YK11 Guide: Results, Dosage, Cycles, & More! (Updated 2024)

YK11 Guide: Results, Dosage, Cycles, & More!

YK11 is quite possibly one of the most powerful SARMs on the market today, due to its unique nature as both a SARM and a myostatin inhibitor.

Not only is YK11 a SARM, which will help promote lean muscle growth, but it also inhibits myostatin, which unlocks your natural bodybuilding potential.

Is YK11 safe, however? What’s the best dosage for bodybuilding? What results can you expect to get? How long is a typical cycle going to be?

In this article, the Nanotech Team will examine the research and anecdotal evidence, to give you the facts about YK11, so you can make an educated decision.

What is YK11?

What is YK11?

YK11 belongs to a class of research chemicals known as SARMS, which were initially developed to help treat muscle wasting in cancer patients.

Selective androgen receptor modulators, or SARMs for short, have potent muscle building effects, and are generally well tolerated in studies. [R]

While they were initially created to help cancer patients combat muscle wasting, bodybuilders quickly caught on, and realized that healthy individuals who took SARMs could experience steroid-like effects.

While there isn’t much clinical evidence regarding YK11, anecdotal evidence suggests it’s an incredibly potent muscle building agent.

In fact, as we’ll explore soon, lab rats which were given YK11 as treatment experienced absolutely mind-boggling muscle growth and results

Overview of Benefits & Effects

Before we take a deeper look at the clinical studies regarding YK11, first we’d like to offer a brief overview of the benefits and negative sides of this fascinating new research chemical.


  • Extremely Powerful
  • Rapidly Build Muscle
  • Drastically Increase Strength
  • Great Bulking Compound
  • Rapid Fat Loss


  • More Research Should Be Done
  • Potential Side Effects for Some People
  • Does Require A PCT (Post Cycle Therapy)

While there are no clinical human trials at the moment, both anecdotal evidence, and the existing research conducted on cells suggests that YK11 exerts an extremely powerful anabolic effect on muscle growth. [R]

YK11, in addition to other SARMs, have been classified as an anabolic substance by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA), and are thus outlawed from being used in athletic competitions, such as the Olympics. [R]

The United States Anti-Doping Agency, or USADA for short, has also banned SARMs from being used in athletic competitions, which is a testament to their strength. If you’re an athlete, you may be tested for these drugs, however if you’re not, there’s no legal consequences for you to worry about.

YK11 is completely legal to buy and sell online, however we advise you to go through a reputable vendor.

Where to Get It

Thankfully, even though YK11 is an incredibly strong SARM that could easily be compared to a milder steroid like Winstrol, it’s legal to buy.

Any company that sells research chemicals and supplements will typically sell YK11, and we’ve reviewed some of the best SARMs for sale—we recommend you read the article before you purchase YK11 online.

Buy USA Made YK-11 Here!

YK11 is an incredibly powerful SARM that can help you shred fat, increase strength, and build lean muscle, but more research is needed to confirm or deny the potential long term health side effects.

If you’re interested in bodybuilding, and just wanted the most pure, highest quality YK11 for sale then we suggest you go with PureRawz.

How Does YK11 Work?

How Does YK11 Work?

Similar to other SARMs such as Ostarine, YK11 works by binding to androgen receptors in the body, signaling skeletal muscles to grow.

What makes YK11 unique however, is the fact that it is not only a SARM, but also a myostatin inhibitor, which gives it an added anabolic effect.

Your body normally produces something called myostatin, which limits how much muscle you can grow naturally—YK11 inhibits the production of myostatin, unlocking your genetic potential.

It does this by binding to androgen receptors and inducing the muscle cells to produce more follistatin, which inhibits myostatin production. [R]

To put it in layman’s terms, YK11 removes the “muscle growth limit” that your body places on itself—so that users can experience rapid gains.

Is YK-11 A SARM?

Many people think that YK11 is a SARM, and it is, but it’s actually something even more. See, YK11 acts similarly to SARMs, in that the compound binds to the androgen receptors in your muscles, signaling them to grow.

YK11 is different, however, in that it also inhibits something called myostatin in your body. Clinical data shows that myostatin puts a biological limitation to how much muscle you can grow—this explains hard gainers, and those who struggle to build muscle mass.

Here are the major differences between YK11 and SARMs:

  1. Unlike most SARMs, which are non-steroidal, YK11 is a steroidal selective androgenic receptor modulator or a full steroid hormone SARM.
  2. While some YK 11 users experience elevated androgenic hormone levels, SARMs only target the muscle and bone tissue, sparing the rest of the body
  3. YK11 has been shown to increase follistatin levels in the body. Follistatin is a hormone that helps enhance muscle growth and physical strength. SARMs do not affect follistatin levels.
  4. While most SARMs are full agonists of the androgen receptor, YK11 is a partial agonist of AR. Full agonists extract maximum response from a receptor they bind to, whereas partial agonists only elicit a limited response.
  5. YK 11 has been proven to cause myostatin deficiency in the body. Myostatin is a hormone that inhibits muscle growth. Its deficiency leads to rapid muscle gains. SARMs do not inhibit myostatin.

This is, in effect, what YK11 does. Not only does it have the muscle building effects of a SARM, but this compound also reduces the amount of myostatin in your body, allowing it to blast past its natural muscle-building potential.

YK11 Benefits

yk11 results lab rats

NOTE: If you’re just looking to buy 99.9% pure, high quality YK-11 online, we recommend PureRawz – use the code “MD15” for 15% off your entire order!

While there are minimal YK11 studies regarding the effects on humans, we do know that this SARM has an extremely anabolic effect on animals.

In fact, mice that have low levels of myostatin, which is what YK11 inhibits, have on average twice as much muscle mass as rats who don’t. [R]

Here are some reported benefits of YK11 usage:

  • Rapid Muscle Growth
  • Increased Sex Drive
  • Enhanced Strength
  • Muscle Hardening
  • Strengthened Bones
  • Fat Loss

The biggest benefit of YK11 is the rapid muscle growth, as users often report gaining 10-15 pounds or more from one 12 week cycle of YK11.

Rapid Muscle Growth

While the long term health effects of YK11 haven’t been studied in humans, there is evidence to suggest it’s an incredibly potent anabolic drug. [R]

Animal studies have shown that YK 11 helps users gain significant muscle mass. It does that by causing Myostatin deficiency, which has been proven to increase lean muscle mass. [R]

In fact, much of the anecdotal data and various logs of body builders and their experiences suggest that YK11 is comparable to a mild anabolic steroid cycle.

While the drug hasn’t been approved for human use by the FDA, you can be sure that body builders are using it to get jacked all over the world.

Muscle Hardening

Another reason why people love YK11 is that it creates a muscle hardening effect that few other supplements on the market can manage.

In addition to the rapid muscle growth that will come from this compound, YK11 is also known for creating the “cut and dry” look that lifters love.

What’s more is that if you combine YK11 with SR9011 or another SARM meant for cutting, you could experience fast and lean gains.

Increased Strength

Most people take this compound, because of its ability to rapidly increase strength in users. In fact, one study conducted at the Department of Internal Medicine at Yale University, found that treating mice with an anti-myostatin drug for just 4 weeks was associated with a huge increase in muscle strength. [R]

Another study, published in the PNAS Journal, found that mice who lacked the myostatin inhibiting gene (which YK11 seems to turn off), literally had twice the physical strength as those mice who had the myostatin inhibiting gene. [R]

While more studies certainly need to be done on this compound, preliminary data and anecdotal evidence suggests that it’s an EXTREMELY potent muscle building compound, rivaling even the strongest of anabolic steroids.

Reversed Muscle Wasting

While it is famous for helping users in gaining muscle mass, MK 677 may also reverse muscle wasting.

An animal model of sepsis found this selective androgen receptor modulator reversing muscle wasting caused due to sepsis. [R]

Still, human clinical trials are needed to verify whether YK11 could be a potential treatment for sepsis-related muscle wasting.

Strengthened Bones

In a cell study, YK11 has demonstrated action that strengthens muscle and bone tissue. [R]

YK 11 was shown to activate PKB (protein kinase B) in osteoblast cells of mice. Osteoblast cells are responsible for the synthesis and mineralization of bone.

PKB enzymes, meanwhile, stimulate bone growth upon activation (which is what YK11 does). They also play a crucial role in muscle building by increasing glucose metabolism.

Decreased Body Fat

In addition to stimulating muscle tissue to grow, YK11 may also reduce body fat.

In an animal study, YK11 was shown to reduce body fat in a group of mice who orally consumed this research chemical for only 10 days. [R]

Research claim that this effect was caused by myostatin deficiency. That is because myostatin deficiency has been proven to suppress body fat mass. [R]

YK11 Results

yk11 results
Copyright @ https://www.musclechemistry.com/

Unfortunately, there have been no studies done with YK11 on humans, so all of the results and before and after pictures we have are anecdotal.

That being said, many users who log their YK11 results on Reddit and other bodybuilding forums report gaining up to 20 pounds from a single cycle.

Buy USA Made YK-11 Here!

Most users who take a YK11 cycle report gaining massive amounts of muscle, and many believe it’s one of the best SARMs on the market.

The reported effects of taking YK11 are rapid muscle growth, enhanced strength and performance in the gym, and increased muscle hardening.

If you want to learn more, check out our guide on YK 11 before and after results.

YK11 Dosage Guidelines

YK11 Dosage Guidelines

Because there have been no human trials with YK11 treatment, there is no medically established dose of YK11 for human use to date.

However, the general consensus amongst bodybuilders is that 10 mg is a good dosage for muscle growth and performance enhancement.

Here are the YK11 dosage guidelines:

  • Beginner Dose: 10 mg/day
  • Intermediate Dose: 15 mg/day
  • Advanced Dose: 20 mg/day

While some users have reported taking dosages as high as 30mg/day, most agree that taking between 10 mg and 15 mg to start is best.

SARMs are often dosed in mg/ml, so to take a dosage of 10mg/day would be equivalent to taking one full dropper of the YK-11.

Bulking & Cutting Stacks

Most bodybuilders agree that taking YK11 for bulking is best, although it could still be used in a cutting stack to prevent losing muscle mass.

Sample Bulking StackSample Cutting Stack
YK11 – 10 mg/dayYK11 – 5 mg/day
Ligandrol – 10 mg/dayOstarine – 25 mg/day
RAD 140 – 15 mg/dayCardarine – 10 mg/day

Due to its effectiveness as a bulking SARM, YK11 often pairs well with SR9009 (Stenabolic) for a dry bulk and potentially Ligandrol for a wet bulk.

YK11 Side Effects

YK11 Side Effects
Pictured: A Cow With Myostatin Deficiency

Because there are no studies regarding the safety of YK11 use in humans, most of the side effects reported are from bodybuilding cycle logs.

Some users report zero side effects in the short run, and some report many side effects—so the short term negative effects of YK11 will vary.

Here are some potential side effects of YK11 use:

  • Testosterone Suppression
  • Mild Liver Toxicity
  • Joint And Tendon Pain
  • Increased Aggression

The most obvious side effect of YK11 use is testosterone suppression, but this is common with all SARMs, from SR9009 to the S23 SARM.

Side effects of YK11 can be mitigated by taking supplements on cycle for tendon pain and liver support, and by doing a proper PCT, as well.

For those sensitive to hair loss from SARMs, we recommend you apply RU58841 throughout your cycle—read that article for more information.

How Safe Is It?

While YK11 doesn’t have much clinical evidence to back its safety, there are a lot of anecdotal logs of users and bodybuilders who claim to be just fine.

It’s important to note that YK11 is not approved for human use by the FDA, and more research should be done on the long term potential side effects.

That being said, if you do want to cycle YK11, be sure to use a good SARMs PCT in order to keep your gains, and assure you have high testosterone.


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To summarize, YK11 is a powerful myostatin inhibitor which can lead to rapid muscle growth and increased strength in users who take it.

While it isn’t approved for human use by the FDA, many body builders choose to take it regardless, for the performance enhancing effects.

If you would like to purchase 99% pure, 3rd party tested YK11 for research purposes, we recommend getting it through PureRawz.

Every single batch of their SARMs are 3rd party verified for purity, and best of all, if you use the code “MD15” you’ll get 15% off your entire order.

Frequently Asked Questions
❓ What Is YK11 Used For?

YK11 is typically used for extreme muscle growth, though this myostatin inhibitor can also improve fitness and muscle strength, burn fat and increase bone density. Still, the main reason bodybuilders use YK11 is for muscle mass gain.

❓ Is YK11 A Steroid?

YK11 is a synthetic steroid . It was developed by altering the chemical structure of dihydrotestosterone (DHT). This distinguishes YK11 from SARMs, almost all of which are non-steroidal and don't cause androgenic hormone drop, a known side effect of YK11.

❓ What Is The Best YK11 Dosage To Take?

For muscle gain, the best YK 11 dosage is around 5-10 mg/day. Bodybuilders believe that YK 11 targets muscle growth best at this dosage.

❓ What Is The Half-Life Of YK11?

YK 11 has a half-life of 10-12 hours. Bodybuilders who have shared their experience state that this means dosing YK11 once per day would be sufficient.

❓ Is PCT Needed for YK11?

YK 11 has been known to suppress natural testosterone production. A PCT would thus be needed to mitigate its side effects and restart natural testosterone production.


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