RAD 140 (Testolone) Guide: Results, Dosage, Effects & More! (2024)

RAD 140 (Testolone) Guide: Results, Dosage, Effects & More

RAD 140, otherwise known as Testolone, is a selective androgen receptor modulator (SARM) which has been growing in popularity lately.

Selective androgen receptor modulators are a relatively new class of anabolic compounds, which help users build muscle mass.

Both research and anecdotal evidence show that RAD140 is a highly anabolic SARM, which leads to rapid muscle gains in users.

There is an enormous amount of misinformation regarding RAD-140 (Testolone) out there, so in this article, we’d like to clear it all up.

While Testolone is an extremely powerful anabolic substance, and is currently legal for sale, there’s some facts you should know first.

What is RAD 140 (Testolone)?

RAD 140 Testolone Benefits

RAD 140 Testolone is a potent SARM which is currently undergoing development by Radius Health, Inc.

While it was initially developed as a treatment for muscle-wasting in cancer patients, it didn’t take long before body builders started using it.

After clinical research showed that RAD-140 leads to rapid muscle growth, many users began taking it for bodybuilding purposes. [R]

In fact, many users have been able to gain 10-15 pounds of muscle from a single 8-12 week RAD 140 Testolone cycle, hence the hype around it.

Testolone Overview

Before we explore what the clinical research has to say about RAD 140, let’s first offer a brief overview and look at what this compound has to offer.


  • Rapidly Gain Muscle Mass
  • Great SARM For A Lean Bulk
  • No Negative Prostate Effects
  • Very Accelerated Fat Loss
  • Low Androgenic Side Effects


  • May Accelerate Hair Loss
  • Suppressed Testosterone Levels
  • Not Approved by the FDA (Yet)
  • Lowered HDL (Good) Cholesterol

Studies have shown that Testolone is 90% as anabolic as testosterone, and has very few androgenic side effects, making it an incredible bulking drug.

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In fact, many users experience rapid muscle gain, of up to 15-20 pounds from a single 12 week cycle, and rapid fat loss too, according to reports.

Testolone is generally considered to be a leaner, dryer version of Ligandrol, helping users get shredded and cut, while gaining muscle at the same time.

How Does RAD 140 Work?

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RAD 140, similar to other SARMs such as Ostarine and Ligandrol, works by binding to your body’s androgen receptors, signaling them to grow.

Shortly after ingestion, studies show that RAD140 quickly begins binding to skeletal muscle androgen receptors, leading to rapid muscle growth.

This is what gives SARMs their potent anabolic, muscle building properties—they bind to your body’s androgen receptors, which signals your body to grow muscle and burn fat. [R]

Many people often compare SARMs to being “legal steroids,” and while SARMs are, in fact legal, there are some critical differences to understand.

Testolone vs. Steroids

While RAD-140 and other SARMs have very anabolic effects that are comparable to a low dose cycle of steroids, their mechanism of action is much different.

Steroids work by binding to all of your body’s androgen receptors—whether they’re in muscles you want to grow, like your biceps and triceps, or muscles you don’t want to grow, like your prostate muscles. [R]

SARMs, on the other hand, have a high affinity to skeletal muscles, meaning they avoid binding to the muscles you don’t want to grow, and target the muscles that you do want to grow.

Here are the advantages of RAD 140 (Testolone) over anabolic steroids:

  • RAD 140 doesn’t stimulate the estrogen receptor
  • RAD 140 hasn’t been implicated in abnormal hair growth
  • RAD 140 doesn’t increase the risk of developing prostate cancer
  • RAD 140 activates androgenic gene regulation effects to provide neuroprotective benefits
  • RAD is effective in reducing cell death induced by apoptotic insult

This has led many body builders to say that SARMs are like steroids without side effects, however this isn’t entirely true—we will cover this later on.

RAD 140 (Testolone) Benefits


Many people choose to take RAD-140 for the incredible muscle building effects it has, although technically it has not been approved for human use.

In terms of bulking, RAD 140 is one of the best SARMs. While it may not be as strong as Ligandrol, it gives your body more of a “cut and dry” look.

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Here are some benefits of Testolone:

  • Rapid Muscle Growth
  • Increased Strength
  • Higher Bone Density
  • Better Athletic Performance
  • Accelerated Fat Loss
  • Neuroprotective Effects

Many users who take Testolone recreationally report gaining 10-15 pounds of muscle and losing fat at the same time, making RAD 140 a phenomenal SARM for both bulking and recomposition.

Now, let’s discuss some of the RAD 140 benefits in detail.

Rapid Muscle Growth

RAD 140 is incredibly popular in the bodybuilding community for its ability to build muscle. And for plenty of good reasons too.

An animal study found that small doses of RAD 140 (1 mg/kg) rapidly increased lean muscle mass. The muscle growth was observed after 28 days. [R]

This makes RAD 140 one of the most exciting solutions for anyone looking to bulk up muscle within short periods of time.

Increased Strength

Many users report feeling the rush of increased strength in their bodies after taking RAD 140 Testolone for a short period of time.

This enables them to lift heavier weights in the gym, while also increasing the number of reps with each of their exercises.

The increased strength is something you could also get from anabolic steroids, but there’s one key difference.

Unlike steroids or even testosterone replacement therapy, RAD 140 doesn’t target your reproductive organs. So you’ll experience less intense side effects.

Higher Bone Density

A number of bodybuilders vouch for this benefit. They claim that Testolone improves bone density without any severe adverse effects.

What makes their claim believable is that RAD 140 was developed to treat cachexia, an illness that reduces a person’s bone density by increasing bone turnover. [R]

That said, the exact mechanism with which RAD 140 could strengthen your bones needs more investigation.

Neuroprotective Effects

In an animal study, RAD 140 prevented amyloid-beta plaques from causing brain injury. Amyloid-beta plaques are responsible for Alzheimer’s disease. [R] [R]

Aside from that, Testolone protected brain cells against neurotoxins, substances that cause depression, anxiety, and ADHD disorders. [R]

This explains why some users credit RAD 140 for improving the quality of their sleep, even though there are no studies to back up this benefit.

Breast Cancer

RAD 140 has been shown to suppress the ESR1 gene. ESR1 gene is primarily responsible for creating estrogen receptors, which aid in breast cancer progression. [R]

In phase I clinical trials of RAD 140 as a potential treatment for breast cancer, it was shown that this SARM possesses antitumor activity. [R]

In an in vitro study, RAD 140 suppressed the ESR 1 gene though not the prostate cancer cells. The mechanism of action was found to be distinct. [R]

RAD 140 Results

RAD 140 (Testolone) Guide: Results, Dosage, Effects & More! (2024) Image
Copyright @ https://www.masculinedevelopment.com/

The picture above was taken from Masculine Development, where Jon Anthony reported his RAD 140 results from a 60 day cycle.

Buy USA Made RAD 140 Here!

The RAD 140 results pictured above were from taking a dosage of 30mg of Testolone per day, for a full 60 days, or an 8 week cycle.

It’s important to note that 30 mg of RAD140 is a relatively high dose, being on the upper end of what body builders typically take for muscle growth.

As you can see, however, it’s quite possible to get steroid-like effects from a single cycle of Testolone, as it’s extremely anabolic when it comes to SARMs.

In case you’re curious, check out our before and after results guide.

RAD 140 Dosage

RAD 140 Testolone Vials

While there is no medically established dosage of Testolone, we can learn a lot by looking at anecdotal evidence and user cycle logs.

Here are the RAD 140 dosage guidelines:

  • Beginner: 10 mg per day
  • Intermediate: 20 mg day
  • Advanced: 30 mg day

While there is no established dose for Testolone, studies have found that even taking 0.1 mg per kg can lead to gains of more than 10% in 28 days. [R]

Most beginners choose to start off by taking 15 mg of RAD 140 per day for 8 weeks, which is equal to roughly half a full dropper of RAD140.

Bulking & Cutting Stacks

Due to its versatility as a SARM, Testolone (RAD140) works well when combined with other SARMs, depending on your body building goals.

This is what’s called a “SARMs stack,” where users choose to take multiple SARMs at once, to get the most muscle-building and fat-shredding possible.

Sample Bulking StackSample Cutting Stack
RAD 140 – 20mg/dayRAD 140 – 20mg/day
Ligandrol – 10mg/dayCardarine – 10mg/day
YK11 – 10mg/dayAndarine – 50mg/day
Sample RAD 140 Bulking & Cutting Stacks

Doing a 12 week bulking stack of RAD140, users can expect to gain 15-20 pounds in 2-3 months, and can expect to keep 85% or so of your gains.

Doing a 12 week cutting stack of RAD140, on the other hand, might aid users in losing 10-15 pounds within 2-3 months, with all of it staying off (assuming that your diet and training stay the same).

For a RAD 140 cutting stack, users might also find it effective to throw in some SR9011 or maybe the S23 SARM for incredibly dry, lean gains.

Post Cycle Therapy (PCT)

SARMs do, in fact, suppress your natural testosterone production, so doing a post cycle therapy (or PCT for short) is highly recommended.

Here is a good post cycle therapy to run after you finish your Testolone bulking or cutting cycle, to get your testosterone levels back up:

Weeks After CycleNolvadexClomid
Weeks 1-240mg/day50mg/day
Weeks 3-420mg/day25mg/day
Sample PCT to Run After SARMs Cycle

In other words, after you finish your SARMs cycle, begin your PCT the day after your SARMs run out. Most SARMs will be out of your system within 2-3 days due to their short half lives, so you can run begin a SARMs PCT sooner than a steroids PCT.

To buy real, high quality SARMs PCT, we recommend going through Swiss Chems—both their Nolvadex and Clomid are HPLC tested for purity.

RAD 140 (Testolone) Side Effects

RAD 140 Dosage & Result | Nanotech Project Image

While most users tolerate SARMs very well, it is important to note that there are still some potential side effects to be aware of while on cycle.

The effects of Testolone (RAD140) are dose dependent, meaning that if you take a higher dosage, you will likely not only experience more muscle growth and fat loss, but also potentially worse side effects.

Here are the most common RAD 140 side effects:

  • Moderate Testosterone Suppression
  • Lowered “Good” Cholesterol (HDL)
  • Mild Levels of Liver Toxicity
  • Increased Aggression Levels
  • Accelerated Hair Loss (Use RU58841 for This)

While many of these side effects can be mitigated by taking the proper supplements on cycle, it’s also important to note that more research is needed to determine the longer term side effects of RAD140.

RAD 140 Summary

SARMs 101: The Complete Guide For Beginners (Updated 2024) Gif

In summary, Testolone, or RAD 140, is a potent selective androgen receptor modulator, which is known for its highly anabolic effects.

Many compare the muscle gains from Testolone to a low dose steroid cycle, making it a popular steroid alternative for body builders.

If you’re looking for 99% pure, 3rd party verified Rad 140 Testolone for sale, then we recommend you get it from a vendor like PureRawz.

Each batch of their SARMs is tested for purity by an independent laboratory, and if you use the code “MD15” you’ll save 15% off your purchase.

You can browse our list of the best places to buy SARMs online, and choose a vendor from that list—either way, it’s up to you!


Frequently Asked Questions
❓ Is RAD 140 Good For Bodybuilding?

Absolutely. Many bodybuilders take Testolone for increasing muscle mass and lean body mass. An animal study has also shown that RAD 140 possesses bodybuilding effects.

❓ Does RAD 140 Cause Fat Burning?

While plenty of users claim that Testolone RAD 140 causes fat loss, empirical evidence is lacking.

❓ Can RAD 140 Cause Gyno?

There aren't any reports of RAD 140 causing gynecomastia.

In fact, this is one of many factors that distinguish RAD 140 from steroids and testosterone therapy, both of which cause gyno.

❓ Is RAD 140 Safe?

In a phase 1 human study involving postmenopausal women with breast cancer, RAD 140 was shown to possess an acceptable safety profile.


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