S23 SARM Reviews: Uses, Benefits, Side Effects and Dosage 

S23 SARM Guide: Benefits, Dosage, & More

S23 is a powerhouse of SARMs! Do you know why this high-octane SARM has created a storm in the industry? It’s mainly because of its strong androgenic effects on muscle growth and bone tissues.

Various users have even claimed that S23 has more potent effects compared to Andarine and its level is equal to RAD 140 and Ligandrol. Curious to know what made S23 so popular among the bodybuilding community? 

To learn why S23 has become such a huge hit, keep reading this blog. In this blog, we’ll explain what S23 is, potential benefits and side effects associated with it and what is its appropriate dosage. 

What is S23?

S23 was created by modifying a SARM (Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator) called C-6. [1]

It binds with selective receptors in the body and promotes anabolic activity without causing the harmful effects associated with anabolic steroids.

S23 mimics the action of testosterone and hardens muscles. Some users have reported that S23 encourages an increase in lean muscle. The potent SARM is also believed to boost fat loss, prevent muscle wasting, and improve bone tissue growth.

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How Does S23 Work?

S23 works by selectively binding to androgen receptors in muscle and bone tissue. When a SARM binds to an androgen receptor it increases the activity of genes that make muscle proteins.

Unlike anabolic steroids, which have widespread effects on various tissues, S23 only targets specific tissues. By targeting the muscle and bone tissues, S23 tends to promote muscle growth. 

SARM S23 | Potential Benefits

side effects

Users who have used S23 have reported that the SARM helps them with post-recovery workouts and enhances lean muscle mass. A few of the other benefits that these users have reported are as follows:

  • May Accelerate Muscle Growth
  • May Help With Fat Loss (Great For Cutting)
  • Higher Bone Mineral Density
  • May Help Prevent Muscle Wasting

May Accelerate Muscle Growth

One of the biggest benefits of S23 SARM is that it increases muscle mass by targeting the specific receptors in the body.  [1] 

Users who take S23 often find that they put on 15-20 pounds of muscle mass in just one cycle. Besides, S23 accelerates muscle growth by enhancing protein synthesis and muscle hypertrophy.

May Help With Fat Loss

S23 SARM is also excellent for bodybuilders who are in their cutting phases. The SARM increases metabolic activity and promotes a higher Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR).

By enhancing muscle mass, it can lead to greater energy expenditure, allowing the body to burn more calories, even at rest.

According to one study, published in the Journal of Endocrinology, researchers found that S23 was a potent fat-loss accelerator, and that test subjects rapidly lost fat while taking it. [1] 

Higher Bone Mineral Density

Another amazing benefit associated with S23 is its ability to enhance bone mineral density. S23 may promote osteoblast activity in the body to increase the formation of bone matrix and mineralization, which ultimately leads to bone strength and density. 

In one study, published in the Journal of Endocrinology, researchers found that S23 increases bone mineral density in a dosage-dependent manner. [2]

May Help Prevent Muscle Wasting

A study on research subjects has shown that S23 might help prevent muscle mass when they are exposed to higher levels of glucocorticoids. Glucocorticoids are the hormones that might have the potential to break down muscle mass. 

They affect both types of muscles fast-twitch ( heavy or power) and slow-twitch (endurance). S23 helps preserve the size of muscles and prevent them from wasting. [3]

S23 SARM | Potential Side Effects

Following are the side effects that might occur due to SARM s23: 

  • Increased aggression and mood swings
  • Testicular shrinkage during the cycle
  • Night sweats
  • Possible liver toxicity with high doses or prolonged use
  • Increased blood pressure

However, it’s important to note that research on SARMs is still ongoing, and their long-term safety and efficacy are not fully established. Always consult a healthcare professional for advice on substances like these.

S23 Dosage & Cycle Guidelines

s23 results

Generally speaking, most recreational users agree that taking roughly 10-25 mg per day of S23 is going to be the sweet spot. 

Here are the S23 dosage guidelines:

  • Beginner Dosage: 10 mg per day
  • Intermediate Dosage: 15 mg per day
  • Advanced Dosage: 25 mg per day

While some users have reported having little to no side effects on dosages as high as 30 mg or more, most bodybuilders agree that 25 mg is effective.

S23 Bulking & Cutting Stacks

Benefits of S23

S23 is generally taken for cutting reasons, although as with many other SARMs, it can still be used on a bulking cycle to help users stay lean. S23 is a powerful SARM that has a wide variety of applications for muscle growth and fat loss.

Sample Bulking StackSample Cutting Stack
S23 – 15 mg per dayS23 – 25 mg per day
Ligandrol – 20 mg per dayOstarine – 25 mg per day
MK 677 – 25 mg per dayCardarine – 10 mg per day

Due to its effectiveness as a cutting SARM, many people often pair S23 with other metabolic research chemicals such as Stenabolic or Cardarine to cut.

Top SARM S23 Vendors

If you are thinking of purchasing S23, then you can consider the following vendors. All these vendors give you S23 for research and investigational purposes. Here are the top S23 SARM vendors:

VendorsPrice RangeCustomer ReviewsVerdict
PureRawz$47.98 – $115.984.5/5The vendor is known for reliable and tested products.
RCDbio.co$42.98 – $55.984.0/5High-quality products with excellent reviews and purity.
Behemoth Labz$25.98 – $97.984/5Fast and smooth shipping with little to no delays. 
Iron mountain Labz$50.48–$85.484/5The online shop has a strong reputation mainly because of its standard quality products.


The information provided is for informational purposes only and should not be considered medical advice. Readers should consult with a healthcare professional before using S23 or any other supplement.

On the Whole

In summary, S23 is a potent SARM that can be used to preserve lean muscle mass, help in muscle growth, reduce body fat and minimize muscle wasting. It’s generally considered to be one of the strongest SARMs, particularly when it comes to mimicking the effects of Winstrol or Anavar.


  1. Is S23 SARM Male Contraceptive? 

GTX, Inc. developed S23, an investigational Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator (SARM) and male hormonal contraceptive. It might be used to temporarily reduce fertility in men by lowering the body’s natural testosterone production.

  1. Who Cannot Use S23 SARM? 

Individuals who are under the age of 18 are advised not to take S23 because it might affect their growing organs. Plus, women who are pregnant or breastfeeding should avoid this SARM as it might affect the fetus’s health and lactation. Moreover, anyone with a medical history or any hormonal disorders should avoid using it.

  1. Is S23 SARM Stronger Than Other SARMs?

Yes, the S23 SARM is stronger than various other SARMs, including S4. That is because the S23 SARM shows quick results for muscle strength.

  1. Can I Stack S23 With other SARMs? 

Yes, you can stack S23 SARM with other SARMs to experience the more potent effects. However, it is always advisable that you take advice from a professional before stacking SARMs to avoid any potential side effects.

  1. What Does SARM S23 Do?

S23 SARM might have the potential to increase muscle mass and lean body mass. It may also help reduce body fat and prevent muscle wasting. Plus, it enhances bone mineral density. It may also help postmenopausal women or those with osteoporosis who develop bone disease as the result of declining estrogen levels.

  1. What is the Half-Life of S23?

S23 has a half-life of roughly 11.9 hours, which is in line with most SARMs, which are generally fast-acting and produce fast results. In other words, S23 begins working shortly after ingestion, binding to androgen receptors, and signaling your body to rapidly build muscle.

  1. Does S23 Require A PCT?

It’s always a good idea to run a PCT after any SARM cycle, which includes S 23. Running a PCT (Post Cycle Therapy) will help recovery after your cycle, and will help increase your natural testosterone levels. It will also help you preserve your muscle mass gains on the cycle, too.


  1. S-23: Overview, Uses, Side Effects, Precautions, Interactions, Dosing and Reviews. (2017). Webmd.com. https://www.webmd.com/vitamins/ai/ingredientmono-1652/s-23-%5Bfast-facts%5D
  1. Jones, A., Chen, J., Hwang, D.-J., Miller, D. D., & Dalton, J. T. (2008). Preclinical Characterization of a (S)-N-(4-Cyano-3-Trifluoromethyl-Phenyl)-3-(3-Fluoro, 4-Chlorophenoxy)-2-Hydroxy-2-Methyl-Propanamide: A Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator for Hormonal Male Contraception. Endocrinology, 150(1), 385–395. https://doi.org/10.1210/en.2008-0674
  1. Jones, A., Chen, J., Hwang, D.-J., Miller, D. D., & Dalton, J. T. (2008). Preclinical Characterization of a (S)-N-(4-Cyano-3-Trifluoromethyl-Phenyl)-3-(3-Fluoro, 4-Chlorophenoxy)-2-Hydroxy-2-Methyl-Propanamide: A Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator for Hormonal Male Contraception. Endocrinology, 150(1), 385–395. https://doi.org/10.1210/en.2008-0674
Frequently Asked Questions
❓ Is S23 Good For Bodybuilding?

Yes. S23 is a phenomenal SARM for losing fat, building muscle, and improving your overall physique. Many bodybuilders love using S23 to either stay lean during a bulk, or to get extra shredded during a cutting phase.

❓ How Does S23 Work in the Body?

S23 is a drug known as a SARM, or "Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator." It works by binding to androgen receptors, shortly after consumption, and signaling the body to build muscle and lose fat, similar to how testosterone works.

❓ What is S23 Used For?

S23 can be used for a variety of purposes, from building lean muscle mass, to increasing bone strength, to losing body fat. Many people find that S23 is a versatile supplement that has a wide number of applications to body building.

❓ What's The Best S23 Dosage to Take?

While there's no FDA guidelines on the dosage for this drug, most recreational users have found that taking 15 mg per day is the sweet spot. Beginners may start with 10 mg per day, while those who are more advanced may go all the way up to 25 mg per day.

❓ Does S23 Require A PCT?

It's always a good idea to run a PCT after any SARM cycle, which includes S 23. Running a PCT (Post Cycle Therapy) will help recovery after your cycle, and will help increase your natural testosterone levels. It will also help you preserve your muscle mass gains on cycle, too.


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