SR9011 Guide for Bodybuilding and Fat Loss: Benefits, Side Effects, Dosage

SR9011 is a potent Rev-Erbα agonist that is known for its promising effects on improving circadian rhythm, boosting the immune system, regulating metabolism, and enhancing cardiovascular function.

In the context of bodybuilding, SR9011 is popular for gaining muscle mass while reducing body fat. In today’s blog, we’ll discuss what SR9011 is, how it helps bodybuilders with weight loss and muscle gain, the potential benefits and risks associated with it, and its recommended dosage.

What is SR9011?

SR9011 (Stenabolic) is considered as a SARM but is actually a Rev-Erbα agonist. Rev-Erbα is an important protein that works differently in the body. It regulates the circadian rhythms, metabolism of lipids & glucose, and inflammatory responses. 

Rev-Erbα is a protein, typically found in human bodies. SR9011 is formulated to enhance the activities of this protein. Rev-Erbα is found in various tissues such as skeletal muscles, liver, adipose, and brain. Its interaction with SR9011 allows it to potentially improve the user’s capacity for exercise, and regulate metabolic function.

SR9011 also known as Hyper Lean 2.0, was initially discovered at Scripps Research Institute. It was known for its notable ability to increase muscle strength and endurance.

How Does SR9011 Work?

SR9011 for sale is a synthetic compound that functions as a Rev-Erbα agonist. It targets the Rev-Erbα and Rev-Erbβ proteins. By activating these proteins, SR9011 enhances the body’s metabolic energy, reduces fat accumulation, and increases energy levels.

How Does SR9011 Help in Fat Burning and Muscle Gain?

SR9011 increases the body’s metabolic rate and energy expenditure, which helps in fat burning. As a Rev-Erbα agonist, it boosts the activity of proteins that upregulate the circadian rhythm and metabolism. It ultimately helps burn more calories even at rest. With SR9011, Bodybuilders can get rid of extra fat accumulation.

SR9011 improves endurance and physical performance by elevating the mitochondrial activity in muscle tissues. This means that the muscle can work harder and longer, allowing bodybuilders to gain muscle growth while performing exercise.

Potential Benefits and Side Effects of SR9011

There are several benefits of SR9011, one of its major benefits is its inability to suppress testosterone levels. Unlike other SARMs, SR9011 does not suppress testosterone levels, hence there is no need for post-cycle therapy. A few of the other benefits may include:

  • Fat loss and Improve Metabolic Rate
  • Muscle Growth and Enhance Endurance
  • Enhance Recovery
  • Fat Loss and Improve Metabolic Rate

By promoting lipid metabolism in the liver, the SR9011 inhibits the formation of fatty cells. Furthermore, SR9011 regulates the circadian rhythm and metabolism to break down fatty cells.

It helps bodybuilders utilize the fat for energy rather than tapping into its glucose reserves. SR9011 increases the mitochondria, it stimulates the metabolism. If followed with a decent workout and diet routine a person can burn fat even when they are doing nothing.

  • Muscle Growth And Enhance Endurance

SR9011 is researched specifically for its potential to boost lean muscle growth and endurance. Additionally, it raises the oxidative capacity of the muscle to do work. Therefore bodybuilders who strive to gain muscle mass and endurance view it as a valuable compound.

  • Enhance Recovery.

SR9011 helps bodybuilders recover by synchronizing circadian rhythms. It’s a system that optimizes the body’s natural repair processes and hormone regulation. This leads to better endurance quality, reduced muscle soreness, and faster recovery between workouts.

Potential Side Effects of SR9011

Research on SR9011 has shown that it did not have any major side effects on health. A few of the side effects are given below.

  • Increased heartbeat,
  • Nausea
  • Palpitations

It is always advisable to take SR9011 in the recommended dosage after consulting with your doctor.

Before and After Results of SR9011 for Bodybuilders?

Here are some examples of before and after results from studies involving SR9011 that are particularly relevant to bodybuilders:

  1. Study on Muscle Mass and Strength:
    • Before: A study shows that bodybuilders had standard muscle mass and strength when they were relying solely on workouts.
      After: When given SR9011 supplementation, participants saw a notable increase in lean muscle mass and strength. They also encounter high endurance, which helps them with more intense and prolonged workouts and contributes to greater muscle hypertrophy.
  1. Study on Fat Loss and Body Composition:
    • Before: Bodybuilders had a certain level of body fat that they wanted to reduce while maintaining their muscle mass.
    • After: SR9011 led to a significant reduction in body fat percentage while preserving lean muscle mass. It enhances metabolic rate and targets the adipose tissues to break down the fatty cells.
  1. Study on Exercise Performance:
    • Before: Bodybuilders experienced typical fatigue, exhaustion, and performance limitations during their intense training sessions.
    • After: When switching to SR9011 their exercise performance improved. Studies have shown that bodybuilders also report greater endurance and reduced fatigue.

The studies showed that SR9011 might be helpful for bodybuilders who are looking to enhance muscle growth, reduce fat, improve performance, and expedite recovery. However, further research is still needed to understand the long-term effects of SR9011.

Dosage & Cycle Length of SR9011 for Bodybuilders

SR9011 dosage varies from person to person. However, if you are taking it for the first time, 10mg per day would be better. If you are a daily user then 15 to 30 mg would be recommended. Since SR9011 has a shelf life of 4 hours it quickly dissipates from the body.

You can split the dose into several parts to get the maximum results. For instance, if you take 15 mg SR9011, you can divide it into  5 mg, etc., 5 mg in the morning, 5 mg at noon, and 5 mg in the evening.

Where to Buy SR9011?

You can buy SR9011 for research purposes from a reputable and authorized shop. Multiple stores provide you with premium chemical compounds. If you want to buy the SR9011, you can purchase it from Purerawz. You can also buy SR9011 online from Rcd.Bio. The products at both of these shops are verified and lab-tested (for research purposes only).


1. What is the Half-Life of the SR9011?

The half-life of SR9011 is 3 to 4 hours. It means the SR9011 quickly clears from the body. To get the optimal effects from the SR9011 you should split the dose into three servings.

2. Is SR9011 Legal? 

SR9011 is not FDA-approved for human consumption or medical use. It is classified as a research chemical and is not legally permitted for use as a dietary supplement or drug.

3. What is SR9011 Used for? 

SR9011 is used for its potential benefits such as muscle growth and performance, fat loss, enhanced recovery, and inflammation.

4. How is SR9011 Different from SR9009?

SR9011 and SR9009 both target Rev-Erbα proteins. However, SR9011 is more selective for Rev-Erbα receptors, while SR9009 affects both Rev-Erbα and Rev-Erbβ.

5. Do I Need Post-Cycle Therapy With SR9011?

However, SR9011 has shown no effect on suppressing testosterone production. Therefore, you might not need post-cycle therapy.

6. Does SR9011 Suppress Testosterone Levels?

No, SR9011 does not suppress testosterone levels. Its primary effect is on metabolic processes and circadian rhythms rather than hormone levels.

7. Is It Safe To Stack SR9011 With Other SARMs?

No, SR9011 cannot be stacked with other SARMs. SR9011 and other SARMs for sale have distinct mechanisms of action, and their combined effects on health and performance are unknown.


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