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A review of Purerawz Oxytocin Sublingual Tablets (2024) including benefits, dosage, and more

Purerawz Oxytocin Sublingual Tablets

Have you ever felt a bit distant, even when surrounded by friends and family? That’s you going through the motions and wondering if there’s more to your recent mood changes.

Despite having people around, you’ve noticed a shift. The joy you used to feel isn’t as strong, and connecting with others feels harder. Could there be a biological reason for this emotional puzzle?

As you think about it, you come across oxytocin, known as the “love hormone.” Hmm… Could low levels of oxytocin be affecting how you feel? Maybe it’s the missing piece to why you feel a bit isolated and stressed.

Curiosity leads us to discover that oxytocin plays a crucial role in social bonds and emotions. And here’s the exciting part – there are ways to naturally boost oxytocin! There are even sublingual tablets available, like the ones offered by Purerawz online.

If you are curious about it, then let’s learn about oxytocin and how it might hold the key to feeling more connected and balanced. Join me as we explore new possibilities and consider how these sublingual tablets could make a difference in our well-being.


Oxytocin is a special hormone that our bodies release when we do things like hugging, cuddling, or spending time with people we care about. That’s why it’s often called the “love hormone.” It makes us feel closer to others, happy, and less stressed. Oxytocin is crucial during childbirth and breastfeeding too. 

Researchers are excited about oxytocin because it seems to play a big role in how we connect with others and how we feel emotions. They’re studying it to learn more about friendships, and family bonds, and even to see if it could help with certain feelings like anxiety or sadness. So, the “love hormone” isn’t just about love – it’s also about how we relate to others and how we feel good together.

Product Information

PureRawz Piracetam Powder

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The human body naturally produces the hormone oxytocin, which is secreted by the pituitary gland and mostly synthesized in the hypothalamus. It is essential for several physiological processes, including social bonding, emotional control, and reproduction. In reaction to actions like embracing, cuddling, giving birth, and nursing, oxytocin is naturally released. [R]

Purerawz provides supplemental oxytocin in a special sublingual tablet form on their website. Because there is a dense blood vessel network behind the tongue, these sublingual tablets are made to dissolve there. By avoiding the digestive system, this technique promotes the quick absorption of oxytocin straight into the bloodstream.

Sublingual tablets are preferred over traditional oral ones because they offer potential advantages. Unlike traditional oral tablets, where oxytocin goes through digestion in the gastrointestinal tract before entering the bloodstream, sublingual tablets are quicker and may avoid the degradation of the active substance.

Taking oxytocin through sublingual administration offers a more direct path to the bloodstream, ensuring quicker absorption and potentially faster effects. Sublingual oxytocin tablets, like those from Purerawz, could be a more convenient and effective option for accessing the benefits of oxytocin supplementation.

CAS Number50-56-6
Molar Mass1007.19 g·mol−1
Chemical FormulaC43H66N12O12S2
IUPAC Name1-({(4R,7S,10S,13S,16S,19R)-19-amino-7-(2-amino-2-oxoethyl)-10-(3-amino-3-oxopropyl)-16-(4-hydroxybenzyl)-13-[(1S)-1-methylpropyl]-6,9,12,15,18-pentaoxo-1,2-dithia-5,8,11,14,17-pentaazacycloicosan-4-yl}carbonyl)-L-prolyl-L-leucylglycinamide

How Does It Work?

The way sublingual oxytocin pills function is by submerging them under your tongue. The tablet dissolves when wet, and the oxytocin therein enters your bloodstream through the microscopic blood arteries beneath your tongue. This is not the same as eating a pill because it bypasses your stomach’s digestive process. [R]

Here’s how it operates:

Place it under your tongue: The tablet will dissolve if you simply place it under your tongue.

Dissolving process: Oxytocin is released when the tablet dissolves and becomes liquid.

Absorption through the tongue: The skin beneath your tongue, which is covered in numerous tiny blood veins, is where the liquid oxytocin is absorbed.

Quick entry into your blood: Because it doesn’t go through your stomach, oxytocin enters your bloodstream faster.

Spreading throughout your body: Oxytocin travels in your blood to different parts of your body, where it can have effects on things like emotions and social connections.

This sublingual method is liked because it gets oxytocin into your system quickly and efficiently, potentially making it more effective. 

Oxytocin: Benefits

Oxytocin, a “love hormone,” boasts a variety of potential benefits, encompassing the promotion of social bonding, stress reduction, emotional regulation, and influence on reproductive and metabolic health.

• Social Bonding

Oxytocin plays an important role in social bonding by facilitating sophisticated communication across our brains’ neuronal circuits. It increases the release of neurotransmitters like dopamine and serotonin by attaching to specific receptors. This chemical conversation reinforces positive social behaviors, increasing feelings of closeness and making social experiences more pleasant. It functions as a catalyst for friendship, bringing us closer to the people we care about and instilling a strong sense of trust and understanding. [R]

• Stress Reduction

As a relaxing agent for our bodies, oxytocin combats stress. Its effects on the hypothalamus and pituitary gland, where it serves as a regulatory supervisor, are the basis of its ability to combat stress. Oxytocin contributes to the maintenance of a balanced stress response by suppressing the release of cortisol, the main stress hormone, which helps keep things from getting out of hand. Because of its dual effects, oxytocin is an effective tool for fostering general feelings of well-being and relaxation. [R]

• Sexual Function

Oxytocin functions as a romance helper, contributing to the pleasure of intimate moments and promoting emotional connection with a partner. Its role in sexual function involves intricate interactions within the brain’s reward and pleasure centers. By facilitating the release of hormones like testosterone, oxytocin contributes to arousal, creating a more enjoyable and fulfilling experience. Additionally, its involvement in emotional bonding enhances the intimacy of sexual interactions, fostering a deeper connection and making oxytocin a key player in the intricate dance of sexual and emotional well-being. [R]

• Wound Healing

In the complex process of wound healing, oxytocin serves as a repair helper. It actively activates cellular mechanisms to speed up the healing process of wounds and tissues, even if it lacks superhuman abilities. This support includes fibroblast proliferation, which is necessary for tissue healing, and growth factor production stimulation. When combined, these cooperative efforts strengthen the body’s inherent healing mechanism by serving as a helpful ally. Beyond being compared to a repair assistant, oxytocin plays a crucial function in the coordinated cellular dance that guarantees faster tissue recovery and effective wound healing. [R]

• Appetite Regulation

Oxytocin receptors are unique areas found in certain regions of the brain that regulate appetite. These receptors resemble tiny switches that oxytocin can activate or deactivate. Scholars have been investigating how oxytocin affects our eating patterns. It appears that oxytocin acts as a messenger that can lessen the signals telling us to eat, helping us control our food intake. This is demonstrated by studies conducted on animals, where it was discovered that oxytocin had a suggestion for these switches in the brain, saying, “Hey, maybe it’s time to eat a bit less.” The complex mechanism that regulates our appetite may involve oxytocin, a role that is intriguing to observe even though the specifics are still being investigated. [R]

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• Insulin Sensitivity

Oxytocin receptors are unique areas found in certain regions of the brain that regulate appetite. These receptors resemble tiny switches that oxytocin can activate or deactivate. Scholars have been investigating how oxytocin affects our eating patterns. It appears that oxytocin acts as a messenger that can lessen the signals telling us to eat, helping us control our food intake. This is demonstrated by studies conducted on animals, where it was discovered that oxytocin had a suggestion for these switches in the brain, saying, “Hey, maybe it’s time to eat a bit less.” The complex mechanism that regulates our appetite may involve oxytocin, a role that is intriguing to observe even though the specifics are still being investigated. [R]

• Emotional Regulation

As an emotional superhero, oxytocin is essential in helping us manage our emotions and preventing us from experiencing extreme depression or anxiety. Oxytocin is a reassuring factor in our general emotional well-being since it promotes emotional stability and positivity by aiding in emotional equilibrium. It has a complex effect on controlling emotions. It reaches the amygdala, a crucial part of the brain involved in processing emotions, and serves to regulate the amygdala’s reaction to emotional inputs, stabilizing the area. This modulation serves as a kind of compass that makes navigating emotional events easier. [R]

• Relationship Satisfaction

In addition to promoting relationship happiness, oxytocin functions as a friendship bond. Studies have shown that its existence, which is similar to a bonding force, is associated with greater happiness in relationships and more enjoyable times with partners. Neurochemical reinforcement plays a role in oxytocin’s influence on relationship satisfaction. According to laboratory research, the analysis improves the brain’s reward system and affects the release of dopamine and other neurotransmitters. Positive interactions with loved ones are amplified by this chemical orchestration, which leads to a general sense of contentment in relationships. [R]

• Maternal Behavior

Oxytocin plays a magical role in maternal behavior, particularly during childbirth. It serves as a crucial helper by orchestrating the coordination of muscles in the mother’s body, promoting safe and effective contractions for delivery. Simultaneously, oxytocin surges in the brain, fostering the maternal-infant bond right from the start of caregiving in women. In this way, oxytocin acts as a unifying force, ensuring both the physical safety of childbirth to patients and the emotional connection between mother and baby. [R]

Side Effects

Even while oxytocin has a lot of potential advantages, it’s crucial to be informed of any potential negative effects before using it. [R]

• Vomiting and Nausea: Giving oxytocin can occasionally cause vomiting and nausea.

• Headaches: As a side effect, headaches are possible for certain people.

• Low Blood Pressure: Oxytocin can momentarily lower blood pressure, which can result in symptoms like lightheadedness or dizziness.

• Allergic responses: Although uncommon, allergic responses to oxytocin can occur and manifest as rash, swelling, itching, extreme dizziness, or trouble breathing.

Oxytocin: Is It Legal?

Oxytocin is a legal hormone that is approved by regulatory authorities, including the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). It is naturally produced in the body and is also available as a medication for specific medical purposes, particularly in the field of obstetrics. Doctors tested and used it to help with labor and prevent bleeding after having a baby. It’s essential to use oxytocin only as directed by a doctor because using it in other ways can be risky. [R]

Suggested Dose

Your doctor will provide you with personalized dosing instructions based on your needs if you are prescribed sublingual tablets of oxytocin. The targeted therapeutic effects and your medical condition will determine the suggested dosage and frequency. It’s critical to adhere closely to any directions on the product label or advice from your healthcare provider.

Don’t chew or swallow the oxytocin sublingual tablets when taking them. Rather, allow the pill concentration to naturally dissolve under your tongue. The best absorption occurs straight into the bloodstream using this strategy. Following the recommended dosage guidelines guarantees that oxytocin is used safely and effectively for the intended medical purposes.

A User’s Experience on Oxytocin

We found reviews on Reddit where someone shared their experience using oxytocin for about a year and a half. They got it from a drugstore and tried different ways to use it, like in the nose, under the tongue, or with a nebulizer. They took doses of 5-10IU. They used oxytocin to help with depression, improve relationships, and handle stress better. They believed in the power of molecules but were careful about possible risks. [R]

Additionally, the person felt calmer, less stressed, and better at making decisions after taking oxytocin. They also experienced increased sexual desire and were more socially active on platforms like Reddit. Oxytocin seemed to make them more open-minded and less strict about their diet.

It’s important to remember that these are just their personal experiences, and they stressed the need to be cautious about using oxytocin.

Where Can I Buy Oxytocin Sublingual Tablets Online?

Superior customer service and prompt, dependable shipment are two of PureRawz’s distinguishing features. They strive for a minimum of 98% purity in each batch of SARMs and use first- and third-party lab testing to guarantee quality. Committed to genuineness, they are always refining their formulations for efficiency. Follow them on social media to receive information and exclusive deals.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Can oxytocin make you feel high?

Oxytocin does not cause a “high” sensation.

How is oxytocin released? 

Oxytocin is naturally released in reaction to social bonding acts such as embracing and kissing, as well as during childbirth and lactation.

Which cells make oxytocin?

Oxytocin is produced by hypothalamic neurons, notably those in the supraoptic and paraventricular nuclei.

How is oxytocin released during labor?

During labor, oxytocin is produced as the uterus contracts and the cervix stretches. This hormone strengthens and maintains contractions, which speeds up labor.

Are Oxytocin and Pitocin the same?

No, Oxytocin and Pitocin are not the same, but they have a similar function. Oxytocin is a natural hormone produced in the body, while Pitocin is a synthetic form of oxytocin used as a medication to induce or augment labor.

Will oxytocin cause ejaculation?

Yes, oxytocin is involved in the process of ejaculation. It is released during sexual activity and contributes to the contractions of reproductive organs, including those involved in ejaculation.

Why is oxytocin called a love hormone?

Oxytocin is called the “love hormone” because it helps create feelings of love and connection. It’s released during hugs, kisses, childbirth, and breastfeeding, contributing to social bonding.

Can Oxytocin cause Seizures?

Under normal conditions, oxytocin does not usually cause seizures. However, high doses may be linked to an increased seizure risk. It’s important to use oxytocin under proper medical guidance to avoid potential complications.

Can oxytocin be prescribed?

Yes, oxytocin can be prescribed by healthcare professionals for specific medical purposes, such as inducing labor, managing postpartum bleeding, or assisting with certain reproductive issues.


In conclusion, oxytocin sublingual tablets have shown promise as a treatment method, with significantly higher absorption rates observed under the tongue. Purerawz, a dedicated provider, has developed effective methods to offer oxytocin sublingual tablets for customers. This approach holds potential benefits for humans, especially in scenarios where quick and efficient oxytocin delivery is crucial for optimal treatment outcomes.


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