Noopept Guide: Full Review, My Experience, Dosage, & More (Updated 2024)

Noopept Guide: Full Review, My Experience, Dosage, & More

Nootropics are a fascinating new class of compounds that have been growing in popularity over the past several years, and it isn’t hard to see why.

The idea that you can take a pill, and immediately experience an increase in brain power, memory, and focus, is very appealing to most people.

One popular nootropic, known as Noopept, has been sweeping the nootropics community by storm. Proponents claim that Noopept, also known as N Phenylacetyl L Prolylglycine, works by reducing glutamate toxicity, has anti anxiety effects, aids in memory formation, and may even help the digestive system.

Does Noopept really have these amazing effects on the central nervous system, however? Or are its neuroprotective properties overblown and exaggerated?

In this article, we’ll explore the science behind Noopept, and uncover the best dosage, how to use it, and the clinically proven health benefits, as well.

What is Noopept?

noopept molecule

ATTENTION: If You’re Just Looking to Buy 99% Pure Noopept, We Recommend Pure Rawz as our #1 source—Click Here & Use Code “MD15” for 15% Off!

Noopept is a nootropic that was developed in the mid-1990’s, with the goal of being a more bioavailable version of a drug called Piracetam. [R]

It’s sometimes referred to as just Noopept, but is also known by its chemical names N Phenylacetyl l prolylglycine ethyl ester or by its drug identification number.

Researchers noted that Piracetam had phenomenal effects as a nootropic, such as increased memory, better focus, less anxiety, and more. It was initially developed as a neuroprotective agent meant to help improve symptoms of mild cognitive disorders.

The problem, however, was that, due to the drug metabolism of Piracetam, it required a very large dose in order to work, and didn’t always work on the target population.

So, as a consequence, researchers developed Noopept, as a more effective, more potent, and more bioavailable version of Piracetam. Noopept works far faster, and due to its extremely short half life of just 5-10 minutes Noopept works quickly in the brain.

To this day, Noopept, otherwise known as GVS-111 or Ноопепт by its Russian developers, remains one of the best nootropics out there.

Also known as N Phenylacetyl l prolylglycine ethyl ester, this drug quite literally rebuilds brain tissue and could be the breakthrough drug we need to fight mild cognitive disorders and organic brain diseases caused by aging.

Overview of Pros & Cons

Before we explore the PubMed studies on this compound, we’d like to first offer an overview of the pros & cons of using Noopept as a nootropic.

Benefits of GVS-111:

  • Enhanced Memory
  • Better Focus
  • Improved Mood
  • Higher Energy Levels
  • May Help Treat Alzheimer’s

Potential Side Effects Include:

  • Insomnia
  • Irritability
  • Depression

Most people who suffer from Noopept side effects are simply taking too much, or have a deficiency in choline. In fact, simply supplementing with choline can reduce the vast majority of these drawbacks in users.


Is Noopept, or N Phenylacetyl L Prolylglycine Ethyl Ester legal? Despite the medical and pharmacological effects of Noopept and other such racetam family substances being very well founded, the FDA considers it an unproven drug and thus does not recommend it.

That being said, the legal status of Noopept or N Phenylacetyl l prolylglycine Ethyl Ester is 100% legal to buy and sell. We recommend you get your Noopept for sale from PureRawz, because they have the best, 3rd party tested, 99.9% pure compounds on the market.

We tried Nootropics Depot, but their stuff didn’t feel as strong. If you’re in the UK, due to the Psychoactive Substance Act, Noopept is a bit more tricky. While it’s an officially non drug substance, and is legal to buy and sell as per the Psychoactive Substance Act, you can’t do it en masse. So, just stick to personal use and you should be fine.

How Does Noopept Work?

How Does Noopept Work?

While the mechanism of action and pharmacological effects of Noopept are still being studied, researchers believe that it works on the acetyl choline system in the brain. [R]

Acetyl choline is a critical neurotransmitter that aids in the communication of brain cells—it’s so important that without it, you would die in seconds.

Buy 99.9% Pure Noopept Here!

By enhancing the way that acetyl choline works in the brain, Noopept is able to improve working memory, your ability to focus, and much, much more.

In addition to acting on the acetyl choline system, it’s theorized that Noopept affects AMPA and NMDA receptors as well, which explains its effects. [R]

Racetam Family Comparison

One common mistake that people make is they think Noopept is the same as piracetam. In fact, piracetam and Noopept are two entirely different drugs. Such racetam family substances as Piracetam or Aniracetam have much different active pharmaceutical ingredients than Noopept.

Don’t misunderstand—piracetam and Noopept are also very similar. They are both water soluble. They both enhance memory. They both will improve cognitive functions, and help boost your focus. They both boost brain derived neurotrophic factor, help fight organic brain diseases, and boost nerve growth factor as well.

Here’s where they’re different, though. Think of Noopept as a far more concentrated form of piracetam. So effective, in fact, that you would have to take up to 1,000 times more piracetam to get the same effect as Noopept. This is why high doses of Noopept are not required.

In addition to this, Noopept is far more effective than piracetam at improving memory. Piracetam only helps improve the first stage of memory, whereas Noopept improves not only the first stage of memory, but also retaining the memory and retrieving it later, also. [R]

In short, Noopept is a far more effective nootropic than piracetam.

What Does Noopept Feel Like?

brain creativity

You’re probably wondering what it feels like to be on this neuroprotective agent Noopept, and I was, too—which is exactly why I bought some Noopept. I wanted to see how it would affect my brain, my cognitive function, and more.

I started by taking 10 mg of Noopept per day, and did notice some benefits, but in order to get the most benefits of Noopept I decided to start taking 30 mg per day, which is definitely on the higher end of things.

Here’s what I experienced while taking 30 mg of Noopept per day:

  • Improved Mood – There’s many a clinical study and many animal studies that suggest Noopept protects neurons and improves overall neurotransmitter systems, leading to an upbeat mood, but you have to really experience it to believe it. I noticed a huge surge in my overall mood from taking Noopept Powder.
  • Better Memory – Noopept, out of all the nootropic supplements, has a lot of animal studies to suggest that chronic use of this drug may improve learning ability. It’s no wonder then that I noticed a huge increase in my memory while taking it.
  • Improved Focus – In my experience this smart drug has a huge impact on cognitive performance. I could tell that Noopept increases my brain health and focus quite effectively and can see how it would be used to treat mild cognitive impairment
  • Brain Health – Due to the overall anti inflammatory action that brand name Noopept has on the brain, there’s a lot of potential applications. It can help build new brain cells, fight cognitive decline, and it crosses the blood brain barrier very easily. I noticed an overall surge in memory, focus, and general indicators of brain health while taking Noopept.

This is what Noopept felt like to me, and while I can’t guarantee you’ll feel the same way, there’s a lot of clinical data showing that these effects of Noopept are actually scientifically proven and verified.

Benefits of Noopept

Noopept Benefits Banner Ad

This neuroprotective agent Noopept has a very wide range of cognitive benefits, which explains why it’s so popular these days among students & bio-hackers alike. Noopept is the busy entrepreneur’s, executive’s, and student’s best friend.

While it’s important to note that more research should be done on Noopept, the vast majority of preliminary research suggests it is very safe in users. I also found that I tolerated Noopept very well when taking 30 mg per day of it.

Here are some benefits of Noopept:

  • Enhanced Memory – According to comparative studies, Noopept increases memory and has a neuroprotective effect on the brain’s neurons, to preserve memory.
  • Improved Cognition – While the legal status of Noopept is 100% legal the FDA considers it an unproved drug. That being said, tons of medical sciences suggest it may seriously improve cognition by increasing endogenous neuropeptide cycloprolylglycine. [R]
  • Reduced Anxiety & Stress – Every major metabolite of stress hormones have been shown to have the opposite of nootropic activity. In other words, stress hurts the brain, which is why by reducing stress, Noopept can help fight age related cognitive decline due to stress.
  • Vastly Boosted Focus – Many comparative studies suggest that the drug applications of Noopept can potentially even be relevant to ADHD. The medical and pharmacological effects on the rat brain cells observed in studies suggests that the active pharmaceutical ingredients in Noopept could have massive impact on focus.
  • Central Nervous System Health – Overall, according to experimental biology and behavioral physiology, we know that the effects of Noopept on the brain, especially after it’s been through vascular and traumatic origin events, may help it heal. For example, Noopept is being studied in helping users overcome PTSD and traumatic origin events.

If these Noopept benefits impress you, then good—but that’s not even the most impressive benefit. Studies show that Noopept may even help prevent Alzheimer’s disease, by preventing cell death in the brain. [R]

Enhanced Memory

Perhaps one of the most profound effects of Noopept, also known as N Phenylacetyl L Prolylglycine, is its ability to enhance memory in users—I experienced this myself, as well. When I was taking Noopept I found that it was WAY easier to remember things.

Out of all the nootropics in the world, only a few have actual clinical research and studies proving their effects on the brain—and thankfully, Noopept is one of those nootropics.

Buy 99.9% Pure Noopept Here!

Ample evidence suggests that simply taking 20 mg of Noopept several times per day can drastically increase memory, especially in those who suffer from brain degenerative disorders, like Alzheimer’s.

Improved Cognitive Function

When I take Noopept, I personally feel this effect a whole lot—and again, thankfully, a lot of evidence suggests that Noopept has profound cognitive boosting effects as a nootropic.

While it’s difficult to quantify exactly what “cognitive boosting” means, in general, most researchers agree that it’s an overall metric which relates to increased memory, better focus, and overall brain function.

A simple dose of 20 mg of Noopept taken several times per day has been shown to drastically improve cognitive abilities in animal and human studies.

Boosted Focus

Perhaps the best effect when you take Noopept is the enhanced sense of focus that you get—it removes any and all brain fog you could ever have.

Even a small dose of Noopept has the potential to drastically affect your focus and memory, by enhancing how acetyl choline works in brain.

As we said before, acetyl choline is a critical neurotransmitter that is good for just about anything brain related—memory, focus, learning, and more.

So, when you take Noopept, it works by improving the way that your acetyl choline neurotransmitters work, which means a ton of extra focus.

Less Brain Fog

One of the biggest benefits I personally noticed when taking Noopept, was its ability to remove any and all brain fog that I had—and I didn’t even think I had that much to begin with, until I started taking Noopept.

After taking just 30 mg per day of Noopept, I started noticing that my brain was operating at a much higher level. Things were more clear, and that pesky fatigue that was always in the background went away.

I highly recommend Noopept for anyone who wants to get rid of brain fog, and even if you don’t think you have any, after trying Noopept for just a couple of weeks you’ll start to realize how much you had to begin with.

Noopept Review

brain power abstract

After hearing all the incredible effects of Noopept, from enhanced memory to better focus, and more, I decided to take it and see for myself what it did. I ordered a few vials of Noopept, and started taking it the day it arrived in the mail.

Overall, I was not disappointed by this nootropic. It took a few days to kick in, but once it did, I noticed far better memory, way better focus, and just a general feeling of euphoria, too.

For my Noopept dose I took 0.1ml (or 10% of a full dropper from PureRawz), 3x per day, which works out to a dose of roughly 20 mg taken 3x per day. I took my dose in the morning (before the gym), afternoon, and evening (after dinner).

Their stuff is EXTREMELY highly dosed, which makes it a very good deal, but means you should also be price when measuring out your Noopept dosage.

My Experience

  • Week 1 – Slight Effects of Better Memory & Focus
  • Week 2 – Memory and Focus Enhancing Effects Really Started Kicking In
  • Week 3 – Way Better Cognitive Function, Memory, & Focus
  • Week 4 & Beyond – Effects in Full Force (Awesome Focus, Memory, Overall Better Cognitive Function)

Within a few days I began to feel like my brain could take in more information and actually remember it. I noticed that my overall cognitive abilities got a slight boost—not massive, but enough to notice.

Then, after about a month of consistent Noopept use, the effects were in full force; better memory, focus, productivity, and much more. Noopept was absolutely a game-changer for me.

Buy 99.9% Pure Noopept Here!

Overall, I think Noopept is a great nootropic for anyone who wants to take their life to the next level—you can get it here online from PureRawz (the place I get mine from also).

Noopept Dosage

noopept powder dosage

As previously stated, Noopept is a far more potent version of the Racetam family, so the dosage required to achieve these benefits is far less.

According to most research, as well as anecdotal evidence, the recommended Noopept dosage can vary from 30 mg to 120 mg per day.

Here is the recommended Noopept dose based on experience:

  • Beginners: 10 mg Taken 3x Per Day
  • Intermediate: 20 mg Taken 3x Per Day
  • Advanced: 40 mg Taken 3x Per Day

Due to the fast-acting nature of Noopept, it’s recommended that you split your dose up throughout the day, to maintain an even level in the body.

For beginners, we recommend you purchase a vial of Noopept for sale online, and start by taking 10% of a full dropper (which is 20 mg) 3x per day.

Noopept Stacks

A nootropics stack is where you take multiple nootropics to get the most benefits and positive effects possible, with minimal side effects as well.

Thankfully, it’s easy to stack Noopept with a ton of different nootropics, and experience a ton of powerful, brain boosting effects—if you know how.

Here are some good nootropics to stack with Noopept:

Most people stack Noopept with some kind of choline supplement, because when you take Noopept it tends to reduce choline levels in the brain. [R]

Noopept and modafinil also make a phenomenal nootropics stack, and also taking Noopept with Gorilla Mind Smooth is a great nootropic stack as well.

Where to Buy Noopept

Where to Buy Noopept

While there’s many places to buy Noopept online, the vast majority of vendors don’t sell high quality nootropics, and some even sell fake junk.

Our #1 recommended vendor for research chemicals is PureRawz, due to their great prices, product purity, fast shipping, and great customer support.

In fact, Pure Rawz has one of the most rigorous and intensive 3rd party verification processes we’ve ever seen. Each batch is tested for purity by an independent lab, so you know what you’re getting is at least 99% pure.

Best of all, if you use the coupon code “MD15” you’ll save 15% off your first order—so go add a vial of Noopept to your cart and test it out yourself.

Potential Side Effects

Potential Side Effects

As with taking any supplement, nootropic, or drug, there may be some potential side effects, especially if you’re not careful with your health. Noopept, as with any other nootropic, can have potential side effects.

Thankfully, Noopept is a relatively safe and well-researched drug, so the vast majority of users who take Noopept within the recommended dosage range experience little to no side effects, if any at all.

That being said, here are some potential side effects of Noopept:

  • Increased Anxiety
  • Decreased Mood
  • Irritability
  • Insomnia
  • Inability to Focus

Most of the time when people experience these side effects, it’s because they’re either taking too much Noopept, or are deficient in choline.

That’s why it’s always good to take a choline supplement (available to purchase from PureRawz) when you supplement with Noopept.


brain power abstract

In conclusion, Noopept is a powerful nootropic that has a wide variety of benefits, ranging from better memory, to more cognition and focus. I have personally experienced the powerful benefits that Noopept has to offer, and if you take the time to try it yourself, you will, too.

While some users may experience side effects on Noopept, the vast majority of reviews and studies suggest that it’s very safe when used properly, within the recommended dosages we outlined in this article.

If you would like to try some Noopept for yourself, head over to Pure Rawz and use the code “MD15” to save 15% off your entire order. They’re our #1 recommended source for Noopept, nootropics, SARMs, and other cutting-edge research chemicals.

As always, let us know in the comments section down below if you have any questions. We hope you enjoyed our article, and that you subscribe for more!


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