DMHA Guide – Benefits, Side Effects, Dosage, and More

DMHA Guide

DMHA is a central nervous system stimulant that increases mental and physical energy. It is one of the most widely used ingredients in pre-workout supplements, thanks to its ability to raise your energy levels, motivation to train, and pain threshold.

Athletes and bodybuilders vouch for this drug’s effectiveness even though it hasn’t attracted much clinical research. However, the lack of human trials has allowed naysayers to question this compound’s safety and potential ability to develop tolerance.

This comprehensive guide will alleviate all your doubts about DMAA. We’ll kick things off by discussing what this performance-enhancing drug is and how it works in the body. After that, we’ll focus on its benefits, side effects, and optimal dosage.

What Is DMHA?

DMHA is one of many performance-enhancing drugs (PEDs) on the market. What distinguishes it from other PEDS is that DMHA’s benefits don’t start and end at the body. This compound can also improve cognitive abilities, reduce pain threshold, and increase motivation.

All of this may come as a massive surprise to researchers who initially synthesized this compound. After all, DMHA’s original goal was much narrower (literally and figuratively) – this compound was originally developed as a nasal decongestant, a drug that clears nasal airways.

DMHA proved to be so good at this that it became an FDA-approved treatment for nasal congestion. While that approval was later rescinded, it didn’t discourage further research into this compound. Neither did it stop athletes and bodybuilders from experimenting with this drug.

All that research and personal experiences are why DMHA is currently one of the most widely used and popular pre-workout supplements. If you have spent time and effort researching dietary supplements, there’s an excellent chance you have heard of this compound.

How DMHA Works?

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DMHA (dimethylhexylamine) works by increasing the release of brain chemicals, specifically dopamine and norepinephrine. Both these neurotransmitters are associated with improved memory, focus, and energy levels. Dopamine also gives you a sense of pleasure.

Its ability to increase dopamine release in the brain explains how DMHA could increase your motivation to train. Elevated levels of this neurotransmitter raise your blood pressure to induce a ‘high’, giving you the energy needed to perform intense workouts for long periods. 

Another way its association with dopamine might help you is by burning body fat and stimulating weight loss. Research has shown that when your dopamine levels are elevated, your food cravings nosedive, with the resulting reduced food intake translating to fat and weight loss.

DMHA’s ability to increase norepinephrine levels, meanwhile, explains how this compound can increase mental alertness and mood. It also describes the potential mechanism via which DMHA could raise your pain threshold, as norepinephrine modulates your pain perception.


DMAA (1, 3-dimethylamine) and DMHA are synthetic stimulants that act on the central nervous system. Both are used in pre-workout supplement powders due to their ability to increase mental and physical energy levels, alertness, and focus. But that’s where the similarities end.

Here are the four major differences between DMAA and DMHA:

  • DMHA can be found in nature. This compound naturally exists in Walnut Bark extract or the bark from the Juglans Regia tree. In contrast, DMAA doesn’t exist in nature, not even in trace amounts.
  • DMHA gives a longer-lasting effect. Many people who have used both these pre-workout supplements report that DMHA has a much longer duration of action. So, you may have to take fewer doses per day.
  • DMHA is less potent per milligram. That is because of its structure which has made this compound the milder stimulant of the two, which is good news as it means that side effects will be less adverse too.  
  • DMHA has much less potential for addiction: Since this compound is the milder of the two, chances are that it has less potential for addiction. This potentially makes it an ideal option for beginner PEDs users.

DMHA Benefits

DMHA arguably provides more benefits than other performance and image-enhancing drugs (PIED). It enhances mental and physical energy, pain tolerance, and motivation to exercise while reducing the rate of perceived exertion and body weight.

If one has to point out the one benefit of DMHA that trumps all others, it has to be its ability to increase energy levels. When you have more energy, your capacity to exercise for long periods and recover quickly afterward automatically gets a shot in the arm.

Bear in mind, though, that DMHA has been on the World Anti-Doping Agency’s (WADA’s) prohibited list since 2018. The agency covers major international events. In addition, it’s on the FDA’s as well as various sports organizations’ unsafe food additive list.

As such, if you’re an athlete competing at the national or international level, it’s advised to check your organization’s banned substances list before using DMHA pre-workout. With this in mind, let’s look at the proven benefits of this synthetic stimulant:

1)   Helps You Train Harder for Longer Periods

DMHA has been proven to boost your mental and physical energy.

This, in turn, enables you to work out for longer periods, as your muscles will take more time to get fatigued. Specifically, the increase in mental energy will get you in the mood to train, meaning you won’t have to force yourself to get to the gym.

Studies investigating the effects of DMHA back these claims. These studies show that this synthetic fat burner crosses the blood-brain barrier (a semi-permeable membrane between blood and body) to boost your energy levels and induce the above effects. [R]

2)   Reduces Rate of Perceived Exertion

Feel like your muscles get fatigued too quickly while lifting heavy weights?

DMHA might help extend the time when your muscles can actually take it no more. This compound has been shown to increase the levels of norepinephrine, a neurotransmitter that, among other functions, increases pain threshold by suppressing pain.

Another way DMHA enables your body to withstand grueling workouts easily is by boosting your energy levels. After all, all of us know that when we’re feeling energetic (whether it’s due to a morning workout or drinking a can of fizzy drink), we rarely feel tired.

3)   Helps You Burn Fat

Weren’t able to get the desired results from your latest cutting cycle?

You may have missed a trick by not making DMHA a part of your fat-burning diet. Preclinical studies show that DMHA helps with weight (and fat) loss by decreasing food cravings, making it much easier for you to stick to any diet plan you may have been following to shed those unwanted pounds.

Another way DMHA could possibly stimulate weight loss is by boosting your metabolism, probably by elevating your heart rate. As it has been proven that the higher the heart rate, the more fat the body burns compared to other calorie sources, such as carbs or proteins. [R]

4)   Improves Your Focus and Concentration Skills

As stated above, DMHA’s benefits extend all the way to your mental health.

Animal studies report that DMHA possesses the ability to enhance focus. That too within 15 to 60 minutes after consumption, meaning you won’t have to wait for hours until your concentration levels are high enough for the important task you have at hand. [R]

5)   Elevates Your Mood

DMHA could also raise feelings of well-being.

Anecdotal evidence reveals a mild ‘high’ feeling within an hour of consumption. This is followed by the effects noted above, such as increased energy levels, heightened focus, and raised pain threshold. That means that DMHA will elevate your mood before exerting the above effects.

DMHA Results

One user reported that 25 mg twice daily “keeps one’s mind off food”.

Another user compared the effects of DMHA with DMAA. He noted that “for me, DMHA is way smoother and long-lasting”. A third user highlighted the negligible addiction potential of this drug, claiming that its “tolerance is similar to caffeine for me” and that he “can easily go without it”.

DMHA Dosage

L Theanine Powder Dosage

Users suggest that 25-50 mg twice daily is the optimal dosage.

This dosage has been reported to increase feelings of well-being, followed by heightened focus, energy levels, and mental alertness. Moreover, combining this dose with a low-calorie diet plan and enough exercise will enable you to get rid of stubborn body fat.

Beginners with no prior experience with performance-enhancing drugs would do well to start with the lower end of this dose (25 mg twice daily). See how your body reacts to this drug. If you feel you can easily tolerate a higher dose, gradually increase it.

How to Take DMHA?

Since it has good oral bioavailability, you can take DMHA with or between meals (no injections necessary).

Early morning or 30 to 60 minutes before a workout is the best time to take DMHA. It’s recommended to avoid taking this drug late in the afternoon or early evening, as it has demonstrated the potential to hinder your ability to sleep and cause sleep disturbances.

Best DMHA Stacks

DMHA can be stacked with proteins, creatine, or the best pre-workout supplements to enhance training results further.

All three possess relatively similar properties and would thus help increase your energy levels. So, combining them may help you work out for longer periods in the gym.

However, if you’re buying DMHA for a cutting cycle, use it with stimulant-free fat burners to get the best results.

Avoid using DMHA with stimulant drugs, such as nootropics to avoid over-stimulation and heightened adverse effects.

Where to buy DMHA?

where to buy dmha

Pure Rawz is the best place to buy DMHA online.

Pure Rawz provides reference materials with every product we sell. All of their products come with an independent, third-party-issued Certificate of Analysis for identification, purity, and concentration. 

Pure Rawz also offers free international shipping on all orders above $100. You can pay for your purchase through various methods, including PayPal and Bitcoin.

DMHA Side Effects

DMHA appears to be safe when taken in the above-recommended dosage range.

However, in rare cases, the following side effects may occur:

  • Rapid heartbeat
  • Increased blood pressure
  • Possible shortness of breath
  • Sleep issues (when taken late in the evening)
  • Over-stimulation


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DMHA is a performance and image-enhancing drug (PIED) that offers many benefits.

It increases your energy levels to help you work out for longer periods, lift heavier weights, and build muscle mass more quickly.

However, unlike the majority of pre-workout supplements, it benefits don’t start and end at the body. Research has shown that DMHA can also increase your concentration skills, elevate your mood, and help you focus for longer periods.


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