Andarine S4 Before and After Results: What to Expect

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Are you thinking of adding Andarine S4, a SARM,  to your fitness regime? But wait! Do you know what results you may get? If you want to know what results you will get after taking Andarine S4, then this guide is surely for you. 

In this guide, we will talk about various users who have shared their experiences about Andarine S4. Let’s see what users say about this SARM (Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator)!

Before and After Results of Andarine S4:

Here is what users have shared with us regarding Andarine S4 results.

User # 1 Franklin

Before Taking Andarine S4: Excessive Body Weight Issues 


One user, named Franklin, has said that he always struggles with his weight. He also added that he wants a nice and vascular body but finds it hard to achieve.


Someone from his friend circle introduced him to Andarine S4. Let’s see what results he achieved after taking Andarine S4.

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After: Shed Extra Fat & Achieve Lean Body Mass

Franklin said after taking Andarine S4 for 8 weeks, he experienced positive changes in his body, such as:

  • Shedding extra body weight 
  • Defined and lean body mass
  • Increase in bone density 

Franklin did not achieve all that by only relying on Andarine S4 and followed a strict routine which included: 

  • Regular exercise
  • Balanced diet
  • Improve lifestyle

Here is the dosage and duration of Andarine S4 by Franklin:

Dosage Andarine S4Duration 
10 mg1 – 8 weeks, daily one

User # 2 Alex

Before: Low Muscle Mass and Constant Fatigue

Another user, Alex, has told us that despite a balanced diet and exercise routine, he was unable to get rid of fatigue. He also mentioned that his energy levels were down, and he was not gaining enough muscle mass.


Despite putting so much effort into his fitness routine, Alex did not get the desired results. He then read about Andarine S4 on the internet. He enquired about it and started taking it. Let’s see what he has to say about it.

After: Gain Muscle Mass and Increased Energy Levels

After taking Andarine S4 for 8 weeks, Alex has seen positive changes in his overall body composition. He has noticed the following things:

  1. Enhanced energy levels
  2. Improved Muscle Mass
  3. Reduced Fatigue 

Alex’s dosage for gaining muscle mass and reducing fatigue looks like this:

Dosage Andarine S4Duration 
20 mg1 – 8 weeks, daily one

User # 3 Jonas

Before: Fat Accumulated in Stubborn Areas

Detail: Jonas’s height was very good, but he was worried about his weight. Due to his extra weight, his height was less pronounced. He said he has always been self-conscious about his body proportions. 

Solution: To deal with this problem, he tried a combination of Cardarine + Andarine S4. 

After (Andarine S4 + Cardarine Stack): Reduced Fat and Enhanced Abs Structure

Jonas tried the combination of Andarine S4 + Cardarine to get rid of accumulated fat. Cardarine, a PPARδ agonist, activates certain receptors in the body that influence fat metabolism, endurance, and muscle mass. The combination of Andarine S4 and Cardarine showed the following results:

  • Increased fat loss
  • Improved muscle mass
  • Enhanced endurance
  • Boosted strength and power

Jonas’s dosage to reduce body weight and increase muscle mass looked like this:

WeeksAndarine S4 Cardarine
1 – 550 mg per day20 mg per day
5 – 1025 mg per day20 mg per day

User # 4 Adriana 

Before: Weight Gain Issues  


Adriana told us about her tough weight loss journey. She said that she tried green tea and evening and morning walks, but none of them alone helped her. Let’s see how Ostarine and Andarine S4 helped her!


Adriana read about Andarine S4 and Ostarine on one of the medical sites. She later went to her healthcare professional to get some extra knowledge about these two SARMs and whether she could use them or not. Luckily, she got the approval and used it. 

After Ostarine and Andarine S4 Stack: Slim body Shape with Fine Curves 

When they tried Ostarine and Andarine S4 stack, Adriana noticed the following:

  • A significant reduction in body fat. 
  • She achieved a leaner and slimmer physique along with nice curves. 

This all boosted her confidence and made her appearance even more attractive.

Here is the dosage that Adriana took:

WeeksAndarine S4Ostarine
1 – 45 mg per day5 mg per day
4 – 85 mg per day5 mg per day

Note: If you want to take Andarine S4 to reduce body weight and boost your physique we’d recommend you ask your healthcare professionals first. It would be great if you take some medical advice before turning to supplements.

Tips to Maximize Andarine S4 Results:

A majority of bodybuilders and fitness enthusiasts who previously took Andarine S4 have also shared how to get its maximum results. 

Divide the Dosage Into Two Equal Parts

One user said to split the daily dosage into two halves. This will help maintain consistent blood levels and reduce side effects like vision issues.

Use Low Dosages to Minimize Side Effects

Each supplement has some kind of side effects. To avoid potential side effects of Andarine S4, it would be best to start with 10 mg per day to assess tolerance.

Eat Clean and Follow a Balanced Diet

This is one of the most important steps when it comes to losing weight and gaining muscle mass through Andarine S4. If you eat a lot of junk food, you may not get instant results. Following a balanced diet rich in protein is necessary if you maintain body weight.

Exercise Regularly and Prioritize Strength Training

Incorporating 4 – 5 strength training sessions per week will help maximize muscle growth and enhance Andarine S4 results. 

Hydrate Well

SARMs can increase the need for water in the body. Therefore, it is important for you to stay hydrated. Staying hydrated helps prevent dehydration and aid in muscle recovery.

Cycle Andarine Correctly

To avoid desensitizing your receptors, it’s recommended to cycle Andarine. Use it for 6–8 weeks, followed by a break to maintain its effectiveness and reduce side effects.

Andarine S4 Side Effects:

  • Acne
  • Low libido
  • Lethargy 
  • High blood pressure
  • Night vision blindness

On the Whole:

Hopefully after reading the before and after results of Andrine S4, you can make an informed decision whether you want to incorporate it in your life or not. 

Several users who have used Andarine S4 in the first place have talked about its benefits, such as increasing muscle mass, decreasing body fat, and improving body composition. 

Andarine S4 is one of the best SARMs for muscle building. It has also shown potential in achieving lean body mass. 

Remember, SARMs are investigational drugs and they are not approved by the FDA in many regions. Plus, they work differently for different people. So, make sure to consult your healthcare professional before turning to them.

If you’ve made up your mind and want to buy Andarine S4, we recommend you buy it from Purerawz, Behemothlabz, or Ironmountain Labz. All of these vendors offer you SARMs at affordable prices.


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