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Purerawz Review: Still A Legit SARMs Source in 2024?

Purerawz Review: Still A Legit SARMs Source

Finding a good SARMs vendor can be extremely difficult at times. Everyone says their company is legit, but how do you know they’re telling the truth?

In this article, we’d like to review a popular SARMs company known as PureRawz, which has a large arsenal of products for sale.

We’ll cover the history of the company, their customer support, shipping speed, price comparison, and most importantly, if their SARMs are legit.

So, get ready for our personal, no-holds-barred PureRawz review, from nearly 5 years of experience in the SARMs world. Here we go.

PureRawz Review

Purerawz Review: Still A Legit SARMs Source

PureRawz is one of our favorite vendors out there, due to their wide variety of research chemicals, fast shipping, and great customer support.

They’ve got some extremely pure SARMs for sale, but that’s not all they have—they also sell CBD, kratom, and even different mushrooms.

Here’s what we love about this company:

  • Very Diverse product Catalog
  • Numerous Research Chemicals
  • 3rd Party Testing for Quality & Purity
  • Fast Shipping & Great Customer Support

While PureRawz was initially a UK-based vendor, due to their loyal customer base and quality of products, the company quickly grew.

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In fact, to this date, they’re known as one of the premiere research chemical vendors which ships worldwide, and specializes in SARMs in particular.

Company Overview

Overall, we give PureRawz the Nanotech seal of approval due to their diverse product catalog, supplement purity, and fast shipping.

From SARMs to CBD gummies, and even various nootropics such as Chaga Mushroom, and more, it’s hard to go wrong with PureRawz.

PureRawz Results

PureRawz Results

Now, as I’m sure you’re wondering, what kind of results can you get from PureRawz SARMs? After all, that’s the best way to prove they’re legit.

Thankfully, most users get awesome results from PureRawz SARMs, with many of them gaining over 15 pounds of muscle from just one cycle.

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In fact, the image above was taken by a user who used the Ligandrol from PureRawz, and as you can see, his cycle results are pretty incredible.

We can’t guarantee you’ll get results like that, but with the right workout routine, diet, and products, you can probably get pretty damn close.

Reddit User Reviews

One user said that he gained a whopping 15 pounds of muscle mass in just 6 weeks from using their RAD 140 (Testolone). How’s that for some gains?

Another user said he gained 30 pounds of mass from a cycle of their MK-677 and RAD 140, which is enough to transform anyone’s physique.

Everywhere you look, you’ll find that people are getting great results from PureRawz SARMs, making them one of the most popular vendors out there.

Full Review & Details

Full Review & Details

One of the first things you notice when you visit the PureRawz website is the vast number of product categories they have available for sale.

They have transdermics, stacks, powders, liquids, caps, tabs, peptides, ancillaries, botanicals, additions and a ton of other products, too.

This gives the customer the option to pick and choose depending on your experience mixing powders, and depending on what you want.

Company Features

  • Wide Range of Products (SARMs, Kratom, & More)
  • SARMs Available in Liquid, Powder, & Capsule Form
  • Very Competitive Prices & Fast Shipping
  • Intensive 3rd Party Testing for Purity of SARMs
  • Ironclad Money Back Guarantee (If Products Are Defective)

Shipping & Prices

The prices you get from PureRawz are quite competitive when you factor in the frequent discounts they offer, and the quality of their products.

If you’re willing to buy powder, you’ll get a better deal on pretty much anything and everything, but their capsule products are priced fairly, too.

As for shipping, most customers will receive their products within 2-6 business days, and in our experience, it usually arrives the same week.

Buy USA Made SARMs Here!

PureRawz ships to every single country worldwide, with a few exceptions to countries like North Korea and other dictatorships (obviously).

If you’re in the USA, they use USPS and provide free shipping on any orders over $90, which is pretty easy to do when you’re buying SARMs online.

Products They Sell

PureRawz has an incredibly diverse range of products, in a multitude of different forms, so we can’t list all of them—here’s a few, though.

As you can see, not only does this company have a ton of SARMs, but they’ve also got dozens of other products like kratom, nootropics, and more.

Money Back Guarantee

PureRawz also offers a money back guarantee under most circumstances, where if your product is defective they’ll return your payment ASAP.

While personally we’ve never had to use this, it’s nice to know that they’re one of the few SARMs vendors that actually care about their customers.

Payment Methods

One of the best things about PureRawz is the incredible amount of payment methods that they accept. This is very rare for research chemicals vendors.

Most major credit card vendors block SARMs companies from processing payments, but PureRawz seems to have gotten around this somehow.

They accept all kinds of cryptocurrencies, like Bitcoin, Maker, Ethereum, and Dash, and even accept PayPal, which is rare for SARMs vendors.

Coupon Code

As if their extensive product catalog, fast shipping, and legit SARMs weren’t enough, they were also nice to give us a coupon code for you to use.

If you use the code “MD15” at checkout with PureRawz, you’ll save a whole 15% off your order, which is a lot considering their already low prices.

3rd Party Testing

As we’ve said before, it’s extremely important to check for 3rd party verification, otherwise a company could sell you fake SARMs.

PureRawz has every batch analyzed, however, by an independent lab, so you know that what you’re buying is of the utmost quality and purity.

In fact, if you look at the analysis above, you can see that their RAD 140 was tested to be 99.5% pure, which is about as pure as you’re going to get.

They’ve also got tests for their Ostarine (MK 2866), Ligandrol, all of their other SARMs, and even for their kratom and nootropics, as well.

The Bottom Line

purerawz logo

In summary, PureRawz is a great SARMs vendor, and is definitely a legit source for all kinds of research chemicals, kratom, and nootropics.

They’ve got a ton of different compounds, and offer capsule form, liquid form, and powder form—plus they’ve got fast shipping & great prices.

If you use the code “MD15” when you checkout, you’ll save 15% off anything you want to buy, so definitely don’t sleep on that discount.

As always, if you have any questions, be sure to let us know in the comments section down below and we’ll do our best to respond!


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