When searching online for SARMs you will get every information easily except for their expiry dates and shelf life. SARMs (Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators), just like any other compounds, do have an expiry date.
In today’s blog, we will be focusing on the expiry date and estimated shelf life of SARMs. We’ll also talk about the factors that can affect their shelf life.
The Lifespan of SARMs is Estimated to be Around 2 Years!
As a bodybuilder or fitness enthusiast, you have often heard about SARMs. SARMs are the kinds of drugs or supplements that help build muscle mass. A majority of people out there get confused about whether SARMs expire or not. And what is the exact time of their expiration?
Well, SARMs do expire within 2 to 3 years! There is no rule that may help you keep them active after 3 years. You should not use them after their given expiry date.

What Factors Causes SARMs to Degrade Soon?
The degradation of SARMs (Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators) may occur more quickly when certain environmental or handling factors are not optimal. Here’s a detailed look at the key factors that cause SARMs to degrade sooner:
Exposure to Light (UV Radiation)
Impact: Ultraviolet (UV) light, coming especially from the sun, has the potential to break down the chemical structure of SARMs. UV rays negatively impact the molecular bonds of SARMs hence leading them to lose their potency and stability.
High Temperatures
Impact: Exposure to heat or severely high temperatures can accelerate the process of degradation of SARMs. Plus, high temperatures can decompose the SARM’s chemical bonds. SARMs can become less active or completely inactive if they are exposed to heat for longer times.
Humidity (Moisture Exposure)
Impact: The powdered form of the SARMs can degrade soon if they are exposed to moisture and humidity. This is because water can catalyze hydrolysis (a chemical breakdown involving water) or cause the powder to clump and lose its potency.
Improper pH Levels (for Liquid SARMs)
Impact: It is believed that liquid SARMs may become unstable if their pH solution is too alkaline or acidic. In extreme cases, the compound may separate from the liquid and form solid particles (precipitate), making it unusable.

Factors that Enhance Shelf Life of SARMs
You may not use SARMs after their expiry date, However, you can enhance their shelf life to reuse. The shelf life of SARMs (Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators) can be prolonged through proper storage and handling.
Here are some key factors that play crucial roles in preserving SARMs’ potency.
Storing SARMs Accurately May Add to their Shelf Life:
It is said that if stored in a cool and dry place away from the sunlight, the shelf life of the SARMs may become more stable. To achieve this, SARMs should be stored in a cool, dry place, ideally between 15°C to 25°C (59°F to 77°F), avoiding excessive heat and freezing.
SARMs Should be Kept in an Airtight Containers:
Another factor that may play an important role in improving the shelf life of SARM is storing them in airtight bottles.
Storing SARMs in airtight containers, such as vacuum-sealed bags or tightly sealed bottles, will help protect them from exposure to air and moisture.
How long do SARMs Last Once Opened?
Once opened, SARMs may last around 1 to 2 years. It is recommended to use them before their expiry date so that you can get the most effective results.
Always use properly sealed containers to store SARMs. If you store them correctly and prevent their exposure to heat and humidity, their shelf life may be prolonged.
SARMs typically expire in 2 to 3 years, and their effectiveness can be reduced if exposed to light, heat, humidity, or improper storage. To ensure their longevity and potency, it is important to store SARMs in a cool, dry place and in airtight containers, protecting them from moisture and air. Once opened, SARMs can last between 1 and 2 years when stored correctly. Following proper storage practices helps preserve their quality, but it’s always best to use SARMs before their expiration date for optimal results and effectiveness.