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PureRawz IGF-1 LR-3 Peptide Reviewed: Benefits, Dosage, & More (2024)

IGF-1 LR-3 Peptide

Has the idea of getting a toned physique without wasting your hard-won gains ever crossed your mind? In this case, IGF-1 LR-3 is your best bet. This state-of-the-art chemical provides an adaptable answer to a wide range of health issues, in addition to its outstanding benefits in fitness and bodybuilding circles. In this review, we’ll be delving into the characteristics and potential benefits of Purerawz IGF-1 LR-3 peptide.


IGF-1 LR3, or Long arginine 3-IGF-1, is a specially crafted protein, an extended version of human insulin-growth factor 1 (IGF-1). This synthetic variant, designed for scientific and medical applications, boasts modifications aimed at maximizing its benefits. The key enhancements include increased potency, reduced binding to IGFBPs (IGF binding proteins), and an extended duration of activity.

IGF-1 LR3 brings major improvements, being about three times stronger than natural IGF-1 and staying active in the body for a longer time, around 20–30 hours, compared to the 12–15 hours of regular IGF-1.

These improvements in stability and activity duration make IGF-1 LR3 a crucial asset in various biomedical and research endeavors, harnessing the power of IGF-1 with upgraded characteristics.[R][R]

IGF-1 LR3 is designed to enhance the effects of human insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1). It distinguishes itself through a strategic modification in its amino acid sequence, replacing glutamic acid with arginine at the third position and adding an extra 13 amino acids at the beginning, making it “longer” than natural IGF-1. This alteration allows IGF-1 LR3 to retain the crucial pharmacological activity of IGF-1, serving as an agonist for the IGF-1 receptor. Importantly, it has a lower affinity for insulin-like growth factor-binding proteins (IGFBPs) and exhibits improved metabolic stability, contributing to its enhanced potency and longer half-life compared to native IGF-1.

Quite simply put, IGF-1 LR3 is like a supercharged version of the natural IGF-1 in our bodies. It has some extra parts that help it work better and last longer. This special design makes it more effective in enhancing growth and other important functions.

Product Information:

PureRawz stands out as the premier provider of the revolutionary peptide IGF-1 LR3. This peptide plays a crucial role in regulating cell growth and death, mimicking insulin, and boosting the secretion of growth hormone from the pituitary gland. Designed to stimulate growth, IGF-1 LR3 becomes especially valuable as the pituitary gland’s function naturally declines with age. With an 83-amino acid chain that extends its half-life through a key substitution at position 3 (Glu to Arg), this peptide ensures optimal effectiveness. PureRawz takes your satisfaction seriously, offering overnight shipping with ice packs to maintain the freshness of your order. Trust PureRawz for IGF-1 LR3 to unlock your full growth potential.

How Does It Work?

Image source: MDPI

IGF-1 LR-3 works in many ways, picture this: when tendons suffer injury, a cascade of growth factors, including IGF-1, is unleashed. Here’s where the magic happens. IGF-1 kick-starts the synthesis of DNA and collagen, the dynamic duo crucial for tendon growth and repair. But it doesn’t stop there; IGF-1 initiates the construction of new blood vessels and calls cells to the rescue at the injury site. IGF-1 binds to its receptor, setting off a molecular signal that guides cells to transform into tendon-like heroes.  Research on both animals and humans, which has examined the potential of IGF-1 in platelet-rich plasma (PRP) and other therapeutic applications, has provided encouraging evidence for its ability to promote tendon healing. IGF-1 functions as an underappreciated hero, functioning with anabolic effects that drive tendon expansion and direct the repair procedure. [R]

IGF-1 LR-3 – Benefits:

Extensive clinical research and randomized clinical trials have delved into the potential health benefits of IGF-1 LR-3, with a particular focus on promoting muscle growth and lean muscle mass in the human body. We’ve compiled some of the benefits below:

 1.  Healing Process of Wounds

In a recent study, IGF-1 showcased its potential in addressing wound healing challenges. It was revealed that IGF-1 can kickstart the body’s natural wound-healing mechanisms and significantly enhance the repair process when externally applied. This effect is particularly noteworthy in situations where estrogen levels are low, as observed in mice without ovaries. The research found that locally applying IGF-1 helps heal wounds by reducing inflammation and promoting the regrowth of skin. Interestingly, the study also revealed the specific roles of IGF-1 receptor (IGF-1R) and estrogen receptors (ERs) in this process, showing that IGF-1 directly aids in regrowth while its anti-inflammatory effects involve ERα. This discovery is particularly important for addressing skin healing in conditions like postmenopausal pathology where estrogen levels may be lacking. [R]

2.  IGF-I Helps Type 1 Diabetics Manage Glucose and Protein Metabolism

If you have type 1 diabetes, you likely face challenges related to the abnormal growth hormone-IGF-I axis, leading to decreased levels of IGF-I. A study addressed this issue by exploring the effects of IGF-I therapy on glucose and protein metabolism in adults with type 1 diabetes. The problem was characterized by insulin-related issues and metabolic imbalances.

The solution, as identified by the study, involves IGF-I replacement therapy. Over 7 days, participants experienced a significant rise in circulating IGF-I levels, a decrease in overnight growth hormone concentration, and improvements in insulin sensitivity. Notably, IGF-I treatment led to reduced insulin requirements increased glucose uptake, and positive changes in protein metabolism. These findings underscore the crucial role of IGF-I in managing glucose and protein metabolism challenges in individuals with type 1 diabetes [R]  

3.  Intervention for Chronic Alcohol-Related Muscle Problems

Chronic alcohol consumption has been linked to decreased levels of the anabolic hormone IGF-I, leading to impaired muscle protein synthesis, a condition known as chronic alcohol myopathy. This condition is characterized by limitations in translational efficiency, altered binding of translation initiation factors, and an overall decrease in muscle mass.

To address chronic alcohol myopathy, a study explored the potential solution of administering exogenous IGF-I in the form of the IGF-I/IGFBP-3 binary complex (BC). The research demonstrated that BC treatment elevated IGF-I concentrations, partially restoring muscle protein synthesis to near-normal levels in alcohol-fed rats that may increase muscle mass. This approach proved effective in mitigating the detrimental effects of chronic alcohol consumption on translation initiation factors, emphasizing the role of IGF-I in reversing alcohol-induced alterations and potentially offering a therapeutic strategy for addressing chronic alcohol-related muscle issues thus resulting in increased muscle mass.[R

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4.  Optimize Muscle Development

Are you wondering how to unlock the secrets of muscle growth and development? The insulin-like growth factor (IGF) signaling pathway holds the key. The intricate insulin-like growth factor (IGF) signaling pathway plays a vital role in regulating skeletal muscle growth and maintaining muscle tissue balance. Recent studies have revealed that IGFs, key components of this pathway, paradoxically stimulate both myoblast proliferation and differentiation, seemingly contradictory processes during muscle development. These dual actions are mediated through the same IGF-1 receptor. New insights highlight the influence of local oxygen availability and IGF-binding proteins (IGFBPs) in specifying IGF actions in muscle cells. When considering IGF-1 LR3, a synthetic protein designed to enhance IGF-1 effects, its modifications may potentially optimize these dual actions, offering advantages in promoting myoblast proliferation and differentiation, aligning with the intricacies of the natural IGF signaling pathway in muscle development.[R

Basically, this pathway is like a guide that regulates muscle growth and keeps everything in balance. Recent studies found that IGFs, important parts of this pathway, actually help muscles grow by encouraging both the multiplication and specialization of muscle cells, even though it might sound a bit contradictory. Think of it like a blueprint for muscle development. When we talk about IGF-1 LR3, a special protein designed to boost these effects, it’s like giving that blueprint a little upgrade, potentially making it even better at promoting muscle cell growth and specialization.

5.   Increasing Fat Loss and Maintaining Muscle Integrity

Are you struggling with preserving lean tissue during periods of food restriction and seeking an effective solution? If you’re curious about increasing fat loss and maintaining muscle integrity, consider the potential benefits of IGF-1 LR3. Unlike traditional insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I), IGF-1 LR3 offers promise in enhancing body weight and nitrogen retention, suggesting its potential as a solution for mitigating the challenges associated with lean tissue loss during dietary restrictions. The unique characteristics of IGF-1 LR3 may present an opportunity to address these concerns and optimize body composition.[R

Think of IGF-1 LR3 as a superhero for your body. It helps you lose fat while keeping your muscles strong, like a fitness sidekick. Unlike regular IGF-I, it’s extra special, showing promise in managing your weight and keeping your muscles intact. So, if you’re on a diet journey, IGF-1 LR3 could be your secret weapon to a better body balance.

6.    Accelerated Healing

Are you facing challenges in post-workout recovery? One user shared their positive experience with LR3. After an intense workout, which usually took a week for their quad tendon to settle, LR3 seemed to speed up the recovery time to about 3 days. The user also noted increased sweating and a need for more food at higher dosages. These firsthand insights hint that LR3 might be a budget-friendly option for those aiming for quicker healing in their fitness endeavors.[R]

7.    Aging

Historically, limited understanding of adult growth hormone (GH) deficiency hindered exploration due to ineffective animal-derived GH. The emergence of recombinant human growth hormone (rhGH) renewed interest in broader applications. GH deficiency in adults, particularly those with panhypopituitarism, can have adverse metabolic effects, now treatable with rhGH. Aging correlates with decreased GH secretion and insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) levels, contributing to changes like reduced protein synthesis and increased body fat. Recent studies suggest that rhGH administration improves lean body mass and reduces body fat in older individuals with low IGF-I levels. This review explores the alterations in GH and IGF-I production with age and discusses the methods, benefits, and risks of GH treatment in older individuals, emphasizing potential correlations with IGF-1 LR3 suggesting its potential to address low IGF-I levels.[R]

How does HRT affect IGF-1 levels and gene expression?

Research indicates that year-long postmenopausal Hormone Replacement Therapy HRT, involving 17β-estradiol and norethisterone acetate, can lead to alterations in the gene expression of IGF-1 and its splice variants in skeletal muscle. The presence of HRT agents appears to up-regulate certain genes in the IGF-1 pathway, potentially contributing to changes in muscle size. [R]

Side Effects:

Product Side Effect

Growth and development are occasionally aided by IGF-1 LR3. Therapeutic uses for the management of particular medical conditions are another area of application. Although there are numerous advantages associated with IGF-1 LR3, it is crucial to recognize that, like any medication or supplement, it is not invincible to potential side effects. Although rare the following signs and symptoms may accompany these adverse effects:[R][R]

  • Intestinal Effects: IGF-1 LR3 may lead to the growth of mucosa within the intestines, potentially impacting the small intestine.
  • Retinal Swelling: Reported side effects encompass swelling in the retina, suggesting a possible impact on ocular health.
  • Muscle and Joint Pain: Users have experienced severe muscle and joint pain as a potential side effect of IGF-1 LR3.
  • Bell’s Palsy (Facial Weakness): Another reported adverse effect includes the development of Bell’s palsy, characterized by facial weakness.
  • Potential Cancer Association: There is a noted association with certain cancers, including breast, colon, lung, and prostate cancers, underscoring the importance of careful consideration and consultation before use.

Is  IGF-1 LR-3 legal?

IGF-1 LR-3 legality varies across countries, with restrictions on its over-the-counter availability as a medicinal product. Primarily viewed as a research peptide, it is not intended for consumption. Regulations surrounding the sale and use of peptides like IGF-1 LR-3 differ globally, emphasizing the need to understand and adhere to local laws.

WADA strictly prohibits the use of IGF-1 in sports due to its classification as a growth factor, potentially enhancing performance. Athletes adhering to anti-doping rules must exercise caution and comply with WADA regulations to avoid consequences. Before considering IGF-1 LR-3 or similar substances, consulting with healthcare professionals and gaining insights into local laws and anti-doping protocols is crucial.

Suggested Dose:

The recommended dosing for IGF-1 LR3 typically ranges from 20mcg (0.02mg) to 100mcg (0.1mg) once daily. Some users have reported positive results with a daily dosage of 50mcg, experiencing notable muscle recovery within three days. Alternatively, others have adopted a lower frequency, using 50mcg three times per week. However, it is now suggested to start with a lower dose and gradually adjust as needed.

PureRawz offers two options for IGF-1 LR3: a 100mcg lyophilized peptide and a 1mg lyophilized peptide. The general guideline recommends a six-week cycle of daily administration, followed by a rest period of approximately 20-40 days before considering a new course of IGF-1 LR3, available in receptor-grade and media-grade forms.

Where to Buy  IGF-1 LR-3 Online

To buy  IGF-1 LR-3, PureRawz emerges as the ideal destination. As a leading supplier of research chemicals, they consistently offer reference materials alongside each product or research chemical in their inventory.


In conclusion, the IGF-1 LR-3 Peptide stands out as a solution for those aspiring to achieve a sculpted physique without compromising hard-earned gains. IGF-1 LR3, an advanced synthetic variant of human insulin-like growth factor 1, exhibits enhanced potency and an extended duration of activity, making it a pivotal asset in various biomedical and research applications. Notably, its strategic modifications, including a longer half-life and reduced binding to IGF-binding proteins, contribute to its exceptional stability and efficacy. The peptide’s benefits extend beyond fitness, showcasing promising results in wound healing, glucose, and protein metabolism management for individuals with type 1 diabetes, intervention for chronic alcohol-related muscle problems, optimization of muscle development, and aiding in fat loss while preserving muscle integrity.

Furthermore, the product offered by PureRawz encapsulates the potential of IGF-1 LR3, emphasizing its role in regulating cell growth, enhancing growth hormone secretion, and stepping in when the pituitary gland’s function declines with age. The product’s commitment to quality is reflected in its overnight shipping with an ice pack for freshness, providing users with a reliable means to unlock their full growth potential. However, it is crucial to acknowledge that, like any medication or supplement, IGF-1 LR3 is not without potential side effects. While rare and typically mild, users should be mindful of intestinal effects, retinal swelling, muscle and joint pain, facial weakness (Bell’s Palsy), and a potential association with certain cancers. Careful consideration and consultation with healthcare professionals are essential before embarking on the use of IGF-1 LR3 to ensure a balanced approach to its potential benefits and risks.


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