Bathmate Review (2024): My HydroXtreme Penis Pump Results!

Bathmate Review My HydroXtreme Penis Pump Results!

Every guy wants a bigger penis, but most of us are convinced that any device promising to increase the size of your dick is a total scam.

I was one of those guys until I found the Bathmate about 5 years ago in fact, I’ve since turned into a believer after I saw the results it gave me.

In this article, I’d like to present you with an honest Bathmate review, and talk about what results to expect, the routine I used to get them, and more.

So, if you want to get a HUGE cock, and feel the confidence that comes with knowing women will be impressed at your size, then keep reading…

Why I Bought The Bathmate

bathmate pump

ATTENTION: If You’re Skimming & Want The Best Penis Pump on the Market, We Recommend The Bathmate HydroXtreme 9!

At first, like most men, I was fairly skeptical towards penis pumps, pills, and all things of that nature. I thought they were just money-sucking scams.

I mean come on, really? Using a Hydromax water pump to increase the size of your penis? It seemed like an easy way to sucker men out of their money.

Over time though, I began browsing more and more forums, where men would give Bathmate Reviews, talk about the results they got, and the stronger erections they got from using various Bathmate pumps like the Hydromax or HydroXtreme.

At first I didn’t believe it, but the evidence just kept piling up. I began seeing bloggers, forum posters, and even friends talk about their results. Some even said the results were long term and permanent.

while I didn’t have a small penis by any means, how could any man say not to getting a bigger penis? Even if you’re a healthy 8 inches long, why wouldn’t you want to add another inch in length and girth?

Long story short, I started reading through reviews online, researching the best penis pumps online, and eventually I landed on the Hydromax.

While the Hydromax line of penis pumps wasn’t as powerful as the HydroXtreme line, it was less expensive, and I figured it would give me a chance to see if this “penis pump” thing even worked from the get go.

So, I decided to pull the trigger. I purchased my first Bathmate penis pump (from this link here), and gave it a go, and holy shit, was I impressed.

How Bathmate Penis Pumps Work

penis diagram

Before we go on, it’s important to understand how the Bathmate penis pump works, and how it’s able to give you such great results (so fast).

In a nutshell, the Bathmate works by creating a vacuum surrounding your penis you pump water out of the Bathmate, which creates suction.

This forces the blood vessels in your penis to expand not too much, but just a little bit. The idea then, is that over time, the blood vessels in your penis will become larger and able to hold more blood.

In layman’s terms, this equates to bigger, harder, and longer lasting erections, PLUS putting on a couple inches in size, and increasing girth, too.

Different Types of Bathmate Pumps

bathmate benefits

Before we continue, something should be made clear. There are multiple different types of Bathmate penis pumps on the market right now.

In other words, they have different sized penis pumps with different pressure levels depending on your current size and experience.

There’s 3 different “tiers” of Bathmate penis pumps out there:

  • Bathmate Hydro Series
  • Bathmate Hydromax Series
  • Bathmate HydroXtreme Series

Think of them as beginner, intermediate, and advanced penis pumps, with the more advanced pumps being able to apply more pressure to your dick.

Each different “tier” of pump has multiple sizes, so it isn’t about how big you are it’s about how much pressure you want your pump to apply.

Bathmate Hydro Pump Series


Overview (8.2/10 Stars)

  • Very Easy to Use
  • Pressure is Decent
  • Sex is Better Afterwards
  • Relatively Inexpensive
  • Great Beginner Penis Pump

Overall the Bathmate Hydro Series isn’t half bad, but it really isn’t that impressive, either. It’s a great set of penis pumps for beginners, but if you’re serious about putting on inch after inch to your dick, you need to upgrade.

bathmate promotional banner

Again, this is a good beginner penis pump, however. Coming in at $110, the Bathmate Hydro 7 is affordable for most men who just want a bigger dick, but don’t want to shell out $200 or $300 for the higher end models.

Don’t misunderstand me, here. You’ll still get some decent gains from this pump (and other comparable pumps), and for some men, this might be okay but for me personally, I’d really rather have a giant dick.

Bathmate Hydromax Pump Series

bathmate hydromax series

Overview (8.7/10 Stars)

  • Very Easy to Use
  • Good Amount of Pressure
  • Sex is Much Better After
  • Comes With Comfort Pad
  • Great Pump For Intermediates

Up next is the Bathmate Hydromax series, which is one tier up from the initial Hydro series. Not only does it allow you to get a penis pump that’s several inches longer, but it also applies far more pressure.

In fact, according to the official Bathmate website, the Hydromax series can apply up to a whopping 35% more pressure than the Hydro series this will make your penis size gains far better, and far more quickly, too.

However, it is a bit more expensive than the Hydro Series but not by much. Coming in at only $159, the Bathmate Hydromax 7 is a great option for both those who have some experience and beginners as well.

Bathmate HydroXtreme Series

bathmate box packing

Overview (10/10 Stars)

  • By Far The Best Penis Pump
  • Maximum Pressure & Growth
  • Convenient Water Pump
  • Removable Comfort Pad
  • Comes With Tons of Accessories

This device is by far the holy grail of penis pumps coming in at a whopping $349, the Bathmate HydroXtreme 9 does not disappoint.

I have personally been using this penis pump for well over a year now, and have noticed a significant increase in both my penis length AND girth.

The best thing about this pump, however, is how much pressure you can apply to your dick, and how much you can increase blood flow.

bathmate promotional banner

The manual pump device allows you to literally double the pressure that you can get with the HydroMax device, which means faster length and girth gains for your penis.

Overall if you get any Bathmate today, make it this one. While it is on the expensive side, it comes with a ton of free accessories that actually come in quite handy, AND it will literally double the speed of your penis growth.

Bathmate Hydromax Review

bathmate banner ad

Many years ago I decided to buy my first penis pump. It was the Bathmate Hydromax, which I heard was one of the better ones on the market.

I quickly fell in love with using my Bathmate Hydro Max, due to its ease of use, ease of cleaning, and most importantly, effectiveness at growing my penis.

The great thing about the Bathmate Hydromax, is that you don’t really need to be a believer in order to see it work you can find out in 10 minutes.

What I love about the Bathmate penis pump is that most men will get a very noticeable increase in length and girth directly after just ONE use (when measured directly after using the penis pump).

In fact, according to an April 2020 survey, most Bathmate HydroXtreme users report length gains, stronger erections, better orgasms, and a better sex life. I know I certainly noticed these things myself, too!

This is sort of like the “pump” you get from the gym. It increases the size of your *member* (or muscles) for about 2-3 hours afterwards.

In fact, so many users are satisfied with their Bathmate results, that a recent survey found that after 2 months, most users not only report an increase in size, but even a better sex life and better orgasms, too!

My Hydromax Experience

The first pump I ever bought was the Bathmate Hydromax, and boy was I excited when it came in.

Right off the bat, I was impressed at how discreet the box was. No mentioning of Bathmate, penis pumps, sex toys, or any nonsense like that just a discreet label from what seemed like a random company.

The only reason I knew it was the Bathmate Hydromax was because I was watching the tracking number they gave me like a hawk.

Anyway, the first time I used it I was very impressed. It was easy to unbox, easy to assemble, and very easy to use, I got a nice pump in length and girth the first time I tried it, and the ladies definitely noticed (when I used it right before having sex with them).

After using the Bathmate Hydromax pump for around a year though, and making some considerable gains, I decided to upgrade to the top-of-the-line Bathmate penis pump the HydroXtreme.

Bathmate HydroXtreme Review

bathmate hydroxtreme

The Bathmate HydroXtreme (or Hydro Xtreme) is easily the best water penis pump of all time, for a large number of reasons. For starters, it can apply the most pressure out of any pump on the market.

The handheld pump allows you to manually siphon water out of the penis pump itself, for an extremely intense amount of pressure.

…and while this may sound frightening to beginners, rest assured that more pressure is good (as long as you’re comfortable). More pressure means more blood is forced into your penis, which means it grows faster.

I’ve been using this pump for over a year now, and let me tell you, I absolutely love it. Nothing compares to the HUGE pump you get right after using it (seriously, you gain at LEAST an inch in length and girth, too).

The penis size gains are incredible, it comes with a neck strap so you don’t have to use your hand to hold it, it has the strongest amount of vacuum pressure on the market, and is overall just a great deal.

My HydroXtreme Experience

Similar to the Hydromax line of pumps, the HydroXtreme came packaged very discreetly there’s no way anyone would ever guess what was in the box.

When I first tried it out, it was a bit tricky to learn, mainly due to the manual pump. See, what makes the HydroXtreme different than any other Bathmate model is the handheld pump device.

bathmate promotional banner

While it’s slightly cumbersome, it enables you to pump an EXTRAORDINARY amount of water out of the pump, to create the most intense, dick gains increasing pump you’ve ever seen.

Seriously. The first time I used this pump I was shocked at how much of a size increase I got. My penis kept growing over time, more and more and more. According to survey results, most Bathmate users also agree.

“80% of HydroXtreme users report size gains.”
-Satisfaction Survey Jan. 27th 2020 to March 2nd 2020

while it went back to normal after a few hours, I kept with it, and to this day my penis has grown by well over two inches, thanks to the Bathmate line of penis pumps.

Bathmate HydroXtreme Results & Reviews


Now, the most important question you’re probably asking right now, what kind of results can I get from the Bathmate Hydromax penis pump? After all, that’s why you’re reading this Hydromax Review, right?

Are these results permanent? Are penis pumps just a giant scam? Or will the Bathmate Hydromax pump actually increase my dick size?

Well, in my experience, the results are absolutely legitimate. Not only will you get a “pump” from the first time you try it, but over time, I started to add more and more length to my penis, and more and more girth, as well.

Take a look at what results users are reporting, and the reviews they’re giving, though.

“After 2 months, most Bathmate Hydromax users report size gains.”
-April 2020 Survey of Bathmate Users

If you decide to use the Bathmate HydroXtreme, you can probably gain even more than that, and even faster, too. Which model you buy is entirely up to you, but regardless, the results are 100% legitimate.

Don’t just take my word for it, though. Let’s look at some of the Bathmate Hydromax and Bathmate HydroXtreme results other users have gotten, and what the science has to say.

Bathmate Hydromax Before and After

The results you get from using your Bathmate will vary depending on your individual penis size, genetics, and how committed you are, as well as which Bathmate model you choose to go with.

While you can still get decent gains with the HydroMax line of Bathmate pumps, we STRONGLY recommend you go with the HydroXtreme line of pumps for a few reasons.

First of all, you’ll save money in the long run, because rather than having to upgrade penis pumps after 6-8 months, you can just buy one and have it last forever.

“I have seen amazing growth and results from the use of the HydroXtreme7.”
David E. from OK, USA

Second, your gains will come much faster with the HydroXtreme, due to the intense amount of pressure it can apply to your penis (safely of course).

Third, even though it is more expensive, the HydroXtreme comes with a whole line of accessories, such as a unique carrying case, a cleaning device, a neck wrap (so you don’t have to use your hand), and much more.

Most users can expect to see significant increases in penis girth, length, and overall size, within a matter of 2-3 months of consistent Bathmate use.

Some users may experience exceptional results, such as the user pictured above. While there’s not a ruler or measuring tape in the image, it looks like he quite literally doubled the size of his penis girth in just 8 weeks.

While results like this certainly aren’t typical, even the worst of results are pretty damn good. Who wouldn’t want to add an inch in length and girth?

Using The Bathmate HydroMax

Thankfully, using the Bathmate Hydromax isn’t hard at all. In fact, it’s quite easy and intuitive, and can even be fun once you start to get the hang of it.

Here’s how to use the Bathmate Hydromax in 6 easy steps:

  1. Fill The Bathmate With Water
  2. Insert Your Penis into the Bathmate
  3. Pump The Water Out, to Create A Vacuum
  4. Maintain this For 2-3 Minutes
  5. Follow With A 2-3 Minute Massage
  6. Wait & Watch Your Dick Get Bigger!

Depending on the Bathmate model that you purchase, it may come with a hand held pump, or just a valve on the Bathmate Hydromax device itself.

Personally, I use the Bathmate Hydro Extreme 11, but they have a handy size calculator on their website you can use to determine the EXACT best model of Bathmate for your own personal penis size.

Bathmate Penis Pump Routine

beautiful girl

If you look around online, there’s a ton of Bathmate routines with varying timing protocols, erection levels, and more but I like to keep it simple.

In fact, just following this simple Bathmate routine gave me gains of over an inch in length, and an inch in girth (with very inconsistent use). That’s probably why I gave it such a great review. After all, it works better than penile rings, creams, pills, potions, and all the other stuff.

Here’s the best beginner Bathmate routine:

  • Week 1: Use w/ 50% Erection for 3 Minutes EOD
  • Week 2: Use w/ 70% Erection for 4 Minutes EOD
  • Week 3: Use w/ 80% Erection for 5 Minutes EOD
  • Week 4: Use w/ 80% Erection for 7 Minutes EOD

The idea is that you don’t want to use the Bathmate when you’re 100% hard, otherwise it might be too painful. Starting at 50-60% hardness is best.

Personally I’ve used the Bathmate for upwards of 10 minutes with a 100% erection, and while it does hurt, there’s no lasting damage.

Check Bathmate Price Here

Beyond the first month, you can start to experiment with different routines, time lengths, and levels of hardness to see what works best for your penis.

3 Reasons You’ll Love Bathmate Pumps

hot girl at gym

If you’re still on the fence about investing in a penis pump, I get it. They’re a bit of an investment, and even though having a bigger penis sounds nice, it still feels like a little bit of a leap of faith, doesn’t it?

Well, no worries. I was a bit nervous at first too, because I wasn’t even sure if a penis pump would work or not, but thankfully, it worked (and quite well at that).

Here’s some more health benefits to using Bathmate and their line of penis pumps, as if getting a longer and thicker penis wasn’t enough!

Benefit #1 – Instant Penis Gains

I know what you’re thinking. Instant penis gains? That sounds too good to be true, doesn’t it? Well thankfully, it’s actually just simple science.

The way that any penis pump works is it creates a vacuum of inverse pressure around your penis, which forces the blood vessels to expand.

Over time, this trains the blood vessels in your penis to grow larger, but do you know what it does INSTANTLY? It gives you a little “pump,” similar to when you hit the gym and your muscles are “pumped” afterwards.

increase your length and girth now

The Bathmate does this, because after 5-10 minutes of a vacuum surrounding your penis, the blood vessels swell up to accomodate it.

It usually lasts for 2-3 hours afterwards, meaning you can use it right before sex if you want to give her the pleasure of a bigger penis.

Benefit #2 – Sex is Way Better

They say that bigger isn’t always better, but that’s just what guys who have a small penis say. The fact of the matter is that women LOVE a big penis, and you’ll realize this once you get the Bathmate.

The next time you’re about to have sex, just use any Bathmate penis pump to get some quick size gains (the pump), and you’ll see what I mean.

I almost always use my Bathmate HydroXtreme before I sleep with a new girl, because that added inch in length and girth goes a long, long way.

Just 10 minutes of using the HydroMax or Hydro Xtreme and you’ll be able to give your wife, girlfriend, or lover significantly better sex.

Benefit #3 – Great For Sexual Health

While most people purchase a penis pump for the increase in size, pumps actually have a surprising amount of health benefits, as well.

They’ve been shown to improve sexual health in men in numerous studies, and they can even help to combat erectile dysfunction in older men.

So, while getting a bigger penis might be great, size isn’t all that matters especially if you can’t maintain your size into your old age.

Whether you’re young and healthy, or are an older man looking to improve the quality of his sex life, the Bathmate is a great way to ensure you both GET and KEEP your sexual health in the long run.

Bathmate – The Bottom Line

bathmate hydropumps

In conclusion, buying the Bathmate penis pump was one of the best decisions I ever made. I’m more confident, feel great, and best of all, have a giant dick that girls love to see, and tell their friends about.

Over the past several years, Bathmate has increased the price of their pumps, so if you’re going to buy, it’s best to buy now before it goes up again.

Currently, you can get an entry level Bathmate for just $110, but for those of us who want Goliath sized dicks, they have models all the way up to $399.

Either way, we hope you enjoyed this honest Bathmate review, and if you have any questions, feel free to let us know in the comments section.

Frequently Asked Questions
❓ Does The Bathmate Really Work?

Thankfully, yes. The Bathmate is a penis pump, which means it works by using water to apply pressure, forcing the blood vessels in the penis to grow. It's similar to hitting the gym - over time your muscles will grow, just like the penis will get larger with regular use.

❓ Are Bathmate Results Permanent?

While we can't speculate as to the permanence of user results, according to a recent survey conducted on Bathmate users, most users found that they saw size gains after 2 months of using the penis pump.

❓ How Many inches Can I Gain From Bathmate?

While your gains may vary, many users report increases in length and girth. In fact, according to an April 2020 survey conducted of Bathmate users, most men report size gains after just 2 months of consistent use.

❓ How Long Until You See Results From Bathmate?

While permanent results will take 1-2 months to start noticing, you'll get an immediate pump from using the Bathmate that makes it fun and easy to use. Just one session will give you a "pump" increasing your length by an inch, and your girth by up to an inch, as well!


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