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Agmatine Sulfate Review: Benefits, Dosage, & More (2024)

Agmatine Sulfate Review: Unveiling Benefits and Dosage for a Comprehensive Understanding

Agmatine Sulfate is a bodybuilding supplement that boosts nitric oxide production in your body. Nitric oxide helps lower blood pressure, helps you achieve more muscle growth, and increases exercise performance. It also boosts your cognitive function and may reduce depression, too.

More nitric oxide in your system may also translate to less muscle soreness. That’s because NO helps increase blood circulation to muscles during exercise. In doing so, it boosts the delivery of nutrients to active muscles and flushes out waste products that cause muscle fatigue.

Being an NO booster, Agmatine Sulfate provides you with all these health benefits. Yet, while most bodybuilders know about almost every other NO booster under the sun, the name of Agmatine Sulfate has apparently skipped the attention of the gym-going crowd.

This article aims to change that situation. In the paragraphs that follow, we’re going to tell you everything you need to know about Agmatine. We’ll reveal how this supplement works, what are its dosage guidelines, and more. Read on to learn more.

What Is Agmatine Sulfate?

What Is Agmatine Sulfate

Agmatine Sulfate is a metabolite of L-arginine. Arginine is an amino acid that is found in fish, dairy, and poultry, among other foods. Various studies suggest that arginine may benefit health by lowering blood pressure, relieving chest pain, and improving erectile dysfunction. [R]

Agmatine is derived from arginine via a process known as decarboxylation (the removal of a carboxylic acid group). A substance called arginine decarboxylase (ADC) works on arginine to convert it into Agmatine. [R]

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Keep in mind, though, that Agmatine is found naturally in human brain, too, making it one of the best nootropics that is naturally produced in the brain. This chemical substance is also found in fermented foods.

Overview of Benefits and Effects

Similar to SARMs, agmatine sulfate offers various benefits, including improvement in athletic performance, reduction in blood pressure, and improvement in blood flow. However, while not as many in number, this drug also has its fair share of side effects.


  • Improves Athletic Performance
  • Lowers Blood Pressure
  • Improves Cognitive Functions
  • Lowers Pain And Blood Sugar
  • Reduces Symptoms Of Depression

Side Effects

  • Enhanced Appetite
  • Gastrointestinal Discomfort

Most users who stick to the recommended dosage (more on this later) tend to avoid the side effects even as they enjoy the benefits.

How Does Agmatine Sulfate Work?

How Does Agmatine Sulfate Work?

Agmatine Sulfate has several mechanisms of action. It can stimulate the release of insulin, boost nitric oxide synthesis, and inhibit calcium channels. This chemical substance can also modulate neurotransmitter receptors as well as induce neuroprotection.

1) Stimulates the release of insulin

In animals with type-2 diabetes, Agmatine successfully stimulated the release of insulin from the pancreatic gland. It has also been shown to increase the cells’ glucose intake. These mechanisms help Agmatine treat high blood sugar by promoting a mild hypoglycemic (low blood sugar) state. [R]

2) Boosts nitric oxide synthesis

Research has shown that Agmatine Sulphate increase nitric oxide production in endothelial cells. It does that by binding to the cell surface on the endothelial cells and increasing cytosolic calcium. This results in an increase in endothelial nitric oxide synthase enzymes. [R]

3) Modulates neurotransmitter receptors

More than one study has found that Agmatine modulates several neurotransmitter receptors. These receptors include: NMDA, GABA, serotonin, AMPA, opioid, alpha 2, and imidazoline receptors. This shows that Agmatine may help treat several psychiatric disorders, such as depression. [R]

4) Induces neuroprotection

Multiple studies have demonstrated that Agmatine protects against various types of neurological diseases, such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, etc. It does that through its anti-oxidation, anti-inflammation, brain edema prevention, and brain blood barrier (BBB) mechanisms. [R]

Agmatine Sulfate Benefits

Agmatine Sulfate Benefits

Agmatine Sulfate offers a ton of benefits, such as reducing muscle fatigue, improving exercise performance, and enhancing cognitive function. This chemical substance also works against glutamate receptors to minimize pain and subsequent inflammation.

There’s also evidence to suggest that Agmatine Sulphate provides various neuroprotective benefits. Multiple studies have shown that it raises the body’s defense barriers against the likes of Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, stroke, and schizophrenia. [R]

Here are some benefits of Agmatine Sulfate:

  • Increases Athletic Performance
  • Improves Muscle Pumps
  • Reduces Pain
  • Improves Cognitive Function
  • Might Reduce Depression

Let’s expand on the major Agmatine Sulfate benefits.

1) Improves Athletic Performance

Agmatine increases athletic performance by stimulating nitric oxide production in the body. Nitric oxide is responsible for vasodilation, or the widening of blood vessels. Wider blood vessels help active muscles receive more oxygen and nutrients, thereby enhancing exercise performance.

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That is precisely the reason why almost every pre workout supplement worth its asking price has the name of nitric oxide mentioned in the list of ingredients. Even though not many may have used it in their formulation. That’s not the case with Agmatine which is proven to stimulate NO production. [R]

2) Lowers Blood Pressure

Agmatine lowers blood by boosting the levels of free nitric oxide in the body. NO is a known vasodilator. That means it helps in the widening of blood vessels. This allows it to reduce systemic vascular resistance (SVR) and enhance blood flow, lowering blood pressure. [R]

Given that nearly half of US adults have hypertension and the fact that more than half a million people in the US die from high blood pressure every year, the fact that Agmatine Sulfate can help lower blood pressure makes it a potential game-changer in humanity’s fight against hypertension. [R]

3) Improves Cognitive Functions

Animal studies have shown that an increase in Agmatine levels in the brain’s hippocampus and prefrontal cortex regions may improve spatial learning and memory processing cognitive functions. These studies have found that Agmatine improves the encoding and recall of spatial information. [R]

Spatial learning means the process by which we make sense of the environment around us. Humans who have strong spatial learning skills have an excellent visual memory. They are also good at activities such as arts, computer graphics, geometry, and computer-assisted design. [R]

4) May Protect Against Brain Disorders

Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s, and epilepsy are three of the most common brain disorders. A WHO estimate claims that up to 50 million people might have epilepsy today, with 85% of them living in the developing world. Worse, the number is thought to be increasing by 2 million each year. [R]

The good news is that Agmatine Sulfate might protect against various brain disorders. Studies have shown that Agmatine can protect your brain from and reduce the symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, epilepsy, schizophrenia, and other disorders. [R]

Similar to Piracetam, Agmatine Sulfate has many applications to not only protect the brain from age-related degeneration, but to even help improve cognitive function.

5) Lowers Pain

Most bodybuilders take morphine when their pain levels cross a certain threshold. They might not know that morphine has a known risk for abuse and addiction, potentially leading to overdose and death. Unusual sleepiness, breathing difficulties, and seizures are all symptoms of morphine overdose. [R]

Agmatine offers a credible alternative to morphine. This chemical substance has been shown to reduce pain-associated behaviors in rodent models. And the best thing about Agmatine is that its analgesic (pain-relieving) mechanism is different from morphine, which means a lower risk of addiction. [R]

6) Reduces Symptoms Of Depression

Major depressive disorders affect 7.1% of the adult US population each year. That’s not where the bad news ends. The American Association of Suicidology estimates that a worrying 67 percent, or two-thirds, of people who commit suicide struggle with depression. [R]

Agmatine might help bring these distressing numbers under control. A 4-week mice study has shown that rodents who were administered Agmatine experienced reduced symptoms of depression. Further research is needed to verify whether Agmatine can replace anti-depressants. [R]

Similar to Phenibut, Agmatine Sulfate is a phenomenal way to boost mood and increase positive emotions in life.

7) Lowers Blood Sugar

High blood sugar may open the door to serious health issues if it’s not treated. Elevated blood sugar levels can end up damaging blood vessels that supply blood to and from the heart. This may increase the risk of kidney disease, excruciating nerve pain, kidney disease, and visual impairments. [R]

A 4-week mice study has raised hopes that Agmatine can be the yin to the yang of high blood sugar. Mice experienced low blood sugar levels and reduced insulin sensitivity after taking 100mg Agmatine per kg of their body weight. This showed that Agmatine might induce mild hypoglycemia. [R]

Agmatine Side Effects

Agmatine Side Effects

A five-year human study on Agmatine has established that it’s safe. Researchers studying the potential adverse effects of Agmatine took 2.67 g Agmatine Sulfate every day for five years. Throughout this period, they underwent periodic physical examinations and lab blood and urine analysis. [R]

All the measurements remained within normal values, confirming the hypothesis that Agmatine Sulfate can be safely consumed for a long period without any adverse effects. Still, if you’re already taking other supplements or medicines that you think can react with Agmatine, seek medical advice.

However, a few Reddit users have linked these side effects to Agmatine usage:

  • Enhanced Appetite
  • Gastrointestinal Discomfort
  • Low Blood Pressure

If you intend to use Agmatine Sulfate for pain relieving, in pre workouts, or for lowering blood pressure, take a minute to see through the list of side effects to see if you can tolerate them. If you’re unsure, consult a health care professional to seek medical advice.

1) Enhanced Appetite

Want to lose weight ? Agmatine might not be the right choice for you, as users have found that they felt hungrier than before after taking this supplement. The increase in appetite was felt even by those who didn’t take Agmatine on an empty stomach.

2) Gastrointestinal discomfort

Even though Agmatine offers various GI tract benefits, some users reported experiencing discomfort, such as gas and bloating. This shouldn’t come as a surprise. L-arginine, the substance from which Agmatine is derived, can also cause the same adverse effects. [R]

3) Low Blood Pressure

Agmatine’s lowering of blood pressure comes across as a double-edged sword. On the one end, it helps people dealing with hypertension. However, for everyone else, and especially for those who don’t suffer from hypertension to begin with, the reduction in blood pressure might be unwelcome news.

Agmatine Dosage

Agmatine Dosage

Keep in mind that the effects of Agmatine are dose-dependent. That means that its effects will change when the dose is changed. Another thing to remember is that that ideal Agmatine dosage is based on the purpose you’re using it for (i.e., bodybuilding, depression, etc.).

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Make sure to take Agmatine at least 30 – 45 minutes before a workout. Health experts claim that this timing of the supplement is perfect for performance and recovery. For those taking Agmatine for nootropic effects, it should be divided into multiple, several doses per day. [R]

Here are the user-recommended Agmatine dosage guidelines:

1) Agmatine Dosage for Bodybuilding

The recommended Agmatine dosage for bodybuilding ranges from 0. 35 – 4 mg per pound of body weight. This means if you weigh 120lbs, you might want to take 87mg – 349mg Agmatine per day. If you weigh 180 pounds, the recommended Agmatine dosage falls between 130mg and 549mg per day, and so on.

2) Agmatine Dosage for Depression

Individuals taking Agmatine for depression consume 2 – 3.5 of this chemical substance daily (on a milligram scale). Having said that, we suggest you consult your doctor before you start taking Agmatine for depression. They’re in the best position to guide you about whether or not you should take this supplement.

3) Agmatine Dosage for Pain

A study carried out to assess the effect of this dietary supplement on neuropathic pain. It administered 1.3 – 2.6 grams Agmatine sulfate powder per day to the participants. Individuals with lower levels of chronic pain might want to stick to the lower end of this range.

4) Agmatine Dosage for Pump

If you want to get training benefits (energy, vasodilation, pump), users recommend taking 500 mg – 1000 mg of Agmatine half an hour before workout. This will give Agmatine supplement the time it needs to start delivering the intended effects.

Note: For best results, do not take dietary protein when you’re taking Agmatine. Dietary protein slows down this chemical substance’s absorption, preventing it from delivering the intended benefits.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Agmatine good for?

Agmatine has been proven to improve athletic performance, lower blood pressure and improve cognitive functions. It can also help with pain alleviation. Taking Agmatine improves symptoms of depression and may induce mild hypoglycemia to counter high blood sugar levels.

Is Agmatine safe?

A five year human study on Agmatine has established that it’s safe. Researchers studying the potential adverse effects of Agmatine took 2.67 g Agmatine every day for five years. Multiple physical evaluation tests and blood and urine lab tests found all measurements within normal values.

What foods contain Agmatine Sulfate?

Agmatine sulfate can be found in protein-rich foods. These include eggs, cheeses, meat and meat products, fruits, nuts, fish and fish products. You can also find Agmatine sulfate in beverages, especially wine of a certain kind.

Where To Buy Agmatine Sulfate?

If you’re looking for a reliable Agmatine Sulfate vendor, we recommend Science Bio.

When you buy Agmatine Sulfate from Science Bio, you’ll be provided with a third-party analysis of the batch purity of the drug you’re ordering for yourself

The supplement will arrive at your doorstep the same day you order. Plus, Science Bio backs it with a 30-day return guarantee and a 100% satisfaction guarantee.


Agmatine Sulfate is one of the most popular pre-workout supplements out there. Many bodybuilders use it to improve their athletic performance and get better muscle pumps. They do so hoping that this chemical substance increases their energy levels by promoting blood flow to the muscles.

That is precisely what Agmatine does. Developed by a Nobel laureate, this drug causes your blood vessels to expand, increasing blood, energy, and nutrient supply to your muscles. This helps you be at your best in the gym and achieve quick post-workout recovery.

If you’ve liked what you just read in our Agmatine Sulfate review, we recommend you buy it from Science Bio. This vendor is one of the few that backs its products with publicly available lab reports, a 30-day moneyback guarantee, and a 100% satisfaction guarantee.

Thus, you can thus count on your Science Bio’s purchase to be safe and effective.


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