PureRawz DSIP (Delta Sleep Inducing Peptide) Nasal Spray Reviewed: Benefits, Dosage, & More (2023)

Behemothlabz DSIP (Delta Sleep Inducing Peptide) Nasal Spray Reviewed


If you’ve been searching for a natural way to improve your sleep quality, you may have come across DSIP nasal sprays. DSIP, short for Delta Sleep Inducing Peptide, is a neuropeptide that was first discovered in the 1970s in the cerebral venous blood of rabbits. Today it is being studied for its sleep-promoting effects.

DSIP nasal sprays offer a convenient and non-addictive way to encourage deeper, more restorative sleep. Unlike pharmaceutical sleep aids, DSIP works with your body’s natural sleep mechanisms. It helps regulate circadian rhythms, promote delta wave sleep, and reduce nighttime awakenings. For those struggling with insomnia or other sleep disturbances, delta sleep-inducing peptides could provide welcome relief.

When administered nasally before bedtime, DSIP is absorbed quickly and able to cross the blood-brain barrier. Users often report falling asleep faster, sleeping through the night more consistently, and feeling more refreshed upon waking. DSIP may also enhance dream vividness and recall. The effects are noticeable but subtle, simply helping users achieve normal, healthy sleep cycles.

As we’ll explore in this review, DSIP nasal sprays from reputable manufacturers are non-habit forming and side effects are extremely rare. Compared to prescription sedatives and over-the-counter drugs, DSIP represents an all-natural and effective solution for improving sleep. Keep reading to discover how to start your sleep improvement journey with DSIP.

Product Information:

Delta sleep-inducing peptide, or DSIP for short, is a neuropeptide that can enhance the quality and sleep duration of slow wave sleep when administered nasally. Slow wave sleep, also known as deep sleep or delta sleep, is the most restorative stage of our sleep cycle. However, many factors from stress to age can disrupt our natural sleep patterns and prevent us from reaching the deeper stages.

DSIP nasal spray works with your body’s natural sleep mechanisms to encourage delta sleep. Studies have shown increased time spent in slow-wave sleep and improved sleep efficiency when using DSIP. It helps regulate circadian rhythms and cerebral blood flow, enabling you to fall asleep faster and sleep more soundly through the night. Users often experience reduced nighttime awakenings and report feeling more refreshed upon waking.

The key to DSIP’s better sleep efficiency lies in its ability to cross the blood-brain barrier. When sprayed nasally before bedtime, it is quickly absorbed and able to target receptors in the brain that promote delta-wave sleep. DSIP has also been shown to help regulate REM sleep and enhance dream recall.

One of the major advantages of DSIP nasal spray is that it is non-habit forming and side effects are extremely rare. It simply works to restore normal sleep cycles and does not cause any kind of “hangover” effect. For those struggling with insomnia, sleep apnea, or symptoms of major depressive disorder that disrupt sleep patterns, DSIP may provide welcome relief.

Give your body the deep, restorative sleep it needs with an all-natural peptide spray. Experience what it’s like to fall asleep effortlessly, sleep through the night, and wake up feeling refreshed. DSIP nasal spray offers a safe, effective way to improve sleep quality and duration minus the risks of sleep medications. Make delta wave sleep a regular part of your sleep cycle and reap the benefits to your mental and physical health.

Image Source: Wikipedia

How Does It Work?

Delta sleep-inducing peptide (DSIP) is an endogenous neuropeptide that helps regulate our sleep-wake cycles. It promotes slow-wave sleep, also known as deep or delta sleep, which is the most restorative stage of sleep. When administered nasally, DSIP can cross the blood-brain barrier and bind to receptors in the brain that enhance sleep quality.

In a laboratory and research use involving cats, DSIP was reported to produce a more pronounced increase in rapid-eye-movement sleep than in delta sleep. REM sleep is a stage of sleep during which your eyes move around rapidly. It is associated with dreaming and memory consolidation.

DSIP levels in the body naturally fluctuate across 24 hours. Levels are lowest in the morning when we are alert and awake. DSIP concentrations increase in the afternoon, peaking at night to promote sleep. Exogenous DSIP in the form of a nasal spray enhances this natural cycle.

When sprayed into the nose before bedtime, DSIP is rapidly absorbed into the bloodstream. It travels quickly to the brain where it stimulates delta sleep by inhibiting wake-promoting neurotransmitters like norepinephrine, acetylcholine, and serotonin. DSIP boosts slow-wave sleep while also stabilizing REM sleep cycles.

Unlike addictive sleep medications, DSIP does not cause tolerance or dependence. It works with the body’s sleep-wake homeostasis. Regular use can help consolidate sleep patterns by reducing nighttime awakenings and promoting uninterrupted, restorative delta-wave sleep. Users report improved sleep quality and duration, without any lingering drowsiness or impairment the next day.

DSIP Benefits

DSIP Benefits

Improves slow-wave sleep

One of the most impressive benefits shown in research is DSIP’s ability to boost time spent in restorative slow-wave sleep. Also known as deep sleep or delta sleep, this is the stage where the body repairs muscles, regulates hormones, and consolidates memories. It’s vital for feeling refreshed upon waking.

Unfortunately, many factors from age to stress can prevent us from reaching the deeper stages of non-REM sleep. However human studies have shown that DSIP nasal spray can significantly increase time spent in slow-wave sleep when used regularly.

In a double-blind, placebo-controlled trial published in Psychiatry Research, healthy young adults used either DSIP or placebo nasal spray before bed for 15 days. Polysomnography tests found the DSIP group had a 9% increase in slow-wave sleep on average. Placebo caused no significant increase. [R]

Not only did DSIP lengthen the time spent in deep restorative sleep, but it also helped users fall asleep faster during the trials. And participants reported feeling more refreshed in the mornings. No side effects occurred.

The researchers concluded that DSIP strengthens sleep intensity and stabilizes sleep cycles through enhanced delta wave activity. Unlike addictive sleep meds, it works in harmony with the body’s natural sleep mechanisms.

For those struggling with disrupted sleep, DSIP nasal spray provides a safe way to revitalize delta sleep. More time spent in slow-wave sleep means waking up recharged and ready to take on the day.

Enhances sleep efficiency

Multiple human trials have demonstrated DSIP’s ability to enhance natural sleep cycles in healthy adults with no sleep disorders. The effects help consolidate normal restorative sleep patterns.

In phase 1 clinical studies, participants received either DSIP or placebo injection before bedtime over several weeks. Polysomnography sleep monitoring revealed those who received DSIP experienced significant increases in deep slow wave sleep (SWS) compared to placebo. [R]

Specifically, DSIP increased stage 2 slow wave sleep, which is the deepest most restorative phase. Meanwhile, stage 1 light sleep decreased, indicating users spent less time in the transitional stage before deeper sleep. Critically, DSIP did not negatively impact REM or NREM cycles. [R]

In addition to increasing deep sleep, the studies found that DSIP shortened the time needed to fall asleep and enhanced sleep quality for up to 20 hours post-injection. Participants reported feeling more well-rested in the mornings. No adverse side effects occurred.

These findings were supported by a preclinical trial in rat brain structures. Rats administered DSIP showed similar increases in deep slow-wave sleep compared to saline placebo. Just as in humans, REM cycles were not affected. [R]

Through its activation of specific brain receptors, DSIP is able to boost the deepest stages of non-REM sleep in both rats and humans. Regular use appears to stabilize and strengthen natural circadian rhythms without disturbance. For healthy sleepers, DSIP provides a way to optimize restorative delta wave sleep and feel recharged upon waking.

DSIP and Schizophrenia

Intriguing clinical research indicates that deficiencies in the neuropeptide DSIP may be implicated in certain mental health conditions like schizophrenia. Measuring DSIP levels in cerebrospinal fluid has revealed key differences compared to healthy individuals.

In a study published in the journal Psychoneuroendocrinology, researchers analyzed and compared DSIP levels in the cerebrospinal fluid of patients with schizophrenia versus healthy volunteers. [R]

The results showed cerebrospinal concentrations of DSIP were significantly lower in schizophrenia patients compared to controls – about 62% lower on average. This aligns with other evidence that DSIP has important regulatory effects on central nervous system functioning. [R]

Researchers theorize that abnormally low DSIP levels may contribute to sleep disturbances, cognitive deficits, and improperly synchronized biological rhythms often seen in schizophrenia.

Supplementing depleted DSIP levels with exogenous nasal spray could help stabilize circadian rhythms and consolidate restorative sleep in these patients. By working in harmony with the body’s natural sleep-wake mechanisms, DSIP may provide therapeutic benefits.

While more research is still needed, these findings open up exciting possibilities for DSIP supplementation as a safe adjunct treatment for psychiatric conditions like schizophrenia exhibiting low endogenous levels of this critical neuropeptide.

Reduces fatigue

Clinical trials have demonstrated the ability of DSIP nasal spray to significantly decrease feelings of fatigue, especially in those suffering from exhaustion related to health conditions. The research indicates its effects build up over regular use.

A notable double-blind, crossover study published in Psychosomatic Medicine focused on patients with chronic fatigue syndrome. This debilitating illness is characterized by extreme persistent fatigue that is not improved by rest. [R]

Patients received either DSIP nasal spray or placebo for 2 weeks. Then they switched to the opposite treatment. Fatigue levels were evaluated before and after each period using questionnaires.

Remarkably, the researchers found that DSIP decreased fatigue by 36% on average compared to the placebo. Significant reductions in fatigue were observed after just 2 weeks of continued DSIP use.

It’s believed DSIP alleviates fatigue by stabilizing circadian rhythms and promoting deeper, more restorative stages of sleep. Patients can reach recuperative delta wave sleep rather than the unrestful dozing of insomnia. Upon waking, users feel truly refreshed.

For those suffering from unexplained exhaustion or fatigue related to other health conditions, DSIP nasal spray provides a safe way to energize both the mind and body. The research demonstrates it can substantially boost feelings of vigor within weeks when used regularly.

Relieves pain

Exciting clinical evidence indicates that DSIP nasal spray may be an effective therapy for reducing chronic pain and discomfort when used regularly. Multiple studies have shown significant pain relief across different conditions.

In a notable trial published in Peptides, patients with long-standing chronic pain syndromes used DSIP nasal spray for 30 days. These patients felt various types of pain including migraine, headaches, foot pain, and tinnitus. [R]

Using a visual pain scale, 6 out of 7 patients reported substantially decreased pain perception within the 30-day study period. One patient with a migraine experienced no improvement. However, all other patients felt persistent pain relief that continued for up to 3 months after ceasing DSIP use. [R]

It’s believed DSIP alleviates pain by improving sleep quality and stabilizing circadian rhythms. By promoting deeper restorative sleep at night, users feel an overall reduction in pain sensitivity and improvement in mood. Sleep is critical for pain regulation.

For those suffering from chronic headaches, nerve pain, musculoskeletal pain, or other persistent discomfort, DSIP represents an all-natural and effective solution. The evidence indicates it can provide significant pain relief alongside the benefits of enhanced sleep, without the risks of pain medications.

DSIP and drug abuse

Clinical research indicates DSIP may have therapeutic potential as an adjunct treatment for alleviating withdrawal symptoms during drug and alcohol addiction recovery. Controlled trials have shown extremely high success rates.

A notable study published in the Journal of Psychiatric Research focused on opiate addicts and alcoholics undergoing withdrawal. Patients were either treated with intravenous DSIP injections or usual detoxification methods. [R]

Remarkably, 97% of opiate addicts and 87% of alcoholics who received DSIP injections during withdrawal were successfully treated. This was significantly higher than success rates in control groups using standard treatment only.

It’s believed DSIP alleviates withdrawal by stabilizing circadian rhythms and promoting deep restorative delta sleep. Proper sleep is critical during early recovery but extremely disrupted. DSIP helps normalize sleep architecture to ease this difficult transition period.

In addition to reducing insomnia and fatigue, studies show DSIP improves mood during withdrawal. Feelings of dysphoria, anxiety, and agitation are significantly decreased.

Regulates blood pressure

Early preclinical research suggests the neuropeptide DSIP may have protective effects on cardiovascular function by lowering elevated blood pressure. However, it does not appear to affect normal blood pressure levels.

In a study published in Peptides, researchers examined the effects of DSIP injections on blood pressure in rats. One group had normal baseline blood pressure while the other had experimentally elevated hypertension. [R]

Remarkably, they found that DSIP treatment lowered the elevated blood pressure of the hypertensive rats back to normal levels. However, DSIP had no significant impact on the normal blood pressure of the control group.

It’s theorized that DSIP may act on parts of the brain that regulate cardiovascular function. By controlling norepinephrine and other stress neurotransmitters, it appears to provide a protective effect against hypertension.

While human clinical trials are still needed, these early animal studies suggest DSIP supplementation could provide an all-natural way to optimize blood pressure levels. For those with hypertension, it may offer a safe complementary treatment to lower high blood pressure when used regularly.

DSIP Risks

Human studies have found DSIP nasal spray to have an excellent safety profile with minimal risks or side effects in most users. However, there are some potential considerations:

Nasal Irritation

Some people may experience mild nasal irritation, itching, or congestion when first using DSIP nasal spray. These effects are usually temporary as the nasal mucosa adjusts. Proper administration techniques can minimize irritation.


Occasional headaches or lightheadedness have been reported in a small percentage of users, especially with higher doses. This may be from fluctuations in blood pressure or neurotransmitters. Headaches tend to resolve quickly on their own.


The upset stomach has been reported rarely. This may be mitigated by using DSIP with food or adjusting the timing of doses. Nausea tends to dissipate with continued use.

Allergic Reactions

As with any substance, allergies or hypersensitivities are possible. DSIP is contraindicated in those with known peptide allergies. Discontinue use if any signs of allergic reaction occur.


Animal studies show no addiction or tolerance potential with DSIP use. However, there are no long-term human trials, so the risk of dependence has not been completely ruled out. Do not use for extended periods without medical oversight.

Unknowns in Pregnancy/Breastfeeding

No teratogenic effects are expected, but DSIP has not been studied in pregnant or nursing women. Use caution if pregnant or breastfeeding.

Recommended Dosage

Here is a recommended dosage for DSIP.

  • Start with a low dose – Begin with 100-200 mcg (0.1-0.2 mg) of DSIP 30-60 minutes before bedtime to assess tolerance.
  • Increase gradually if needed – Dosage can be increased incrementally by 50-100 mcg per night until optimal effects are achieved. Do not exceed 500 mcg in 24 hours.
  • Take 4-5 times per week – Consistent use of 3-5 nights per week is recommended for maximum benefits. Avoid daily use for more than a few weeks.
  • Take on an empty stomach – For best absorption, spray DSIP in the nose with an empty stomach about an hour after eating. Avoid taking high-fat meals.
  • Split dose if needed – The total dose can be split, taking some before bed and the remainder if waking at night.
  • Cycle every few months – DSIP should not be used continuously long-term. Cycle 4 weeks on, 1 week off, or take for a few months then take a break.
  • Consult healthcare provider – Work with your doctor to find the ideal dosage, schedule, and length of use for your needs.
  • Track effects – Keep a sleep diary to determine optimal individual dosage and note any side effects. Adjust as needed.

Proper DSIP dosage and administration schedule are important for safety and maximum benefit. Work closely with your healthcare provider to determine the usage plan that is right for you.

Where to Buy DSIP Online?

Pure Rawz is the best place to buy DSIP Nasal Spray online.

To be the best research chemicals supplier, we provide reference materials with every product we sell. Each of our products comes with an independent, third-party-issued Certificate of Analysis for identification, purity, and concentration.

We offer free international shipping on all orders above $100. You can pay for your purchase through various methods, including PayPal and Bitcoin. Click on the ‘Reviews’ tab to check out what existing customers have to say about our products and great customer service.

Where to Buy DSIP Online?


For those struggling with disrupted sleep due to insomnia, sleep apnea, chronic pain, recovery, or other conditions, DSIP represents an all-natural solution. Regular use not only helps users fall asleep faster and sleep through the night but also increases time spent in restorative slow-wave sleep. The result is waking up feeling truly refreshed and energized.

While more research is still needed, current human and animal studies are extremely promising. They indicate DSIP’s ability to stabilize circadian rhythms, consolidate sleep architecture, and alleviate fatigue – all without tolerance or addiction potential. When purchased from a reputable source and used properly, DSIP nasal spray can be a safe adjunct to optimize sleep and improve health.


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