PureRawz Asleep Nasal Spray (DSIP + Melatonin) Reviewed: Usage, Dosage & More (2024)

Best Asleep Spray (DSIP + Melatonin) Reviewed

Are you tired of the endless quest for a good night’s sleep with little success? The frustration of lying awake for hours, struggling to find rest when you need it most, is an all-too-common experience. But what if there’s a solution to bid farewell to those sleepless nights and usher in a realm of peaceful REM sleep? Enter Asleep Spray, a unique blend featuring the sleep-inducing peptide DSIP and Melatonin – a dynamic duo designed to transform your nights and bring about the rejuvenating sleep you’ve been longing for. Say hello to better sleep with Asleep Spray.


Melatonin, sometimes called N-acetyl-5-methoxytryptamine, is a special chemical found in our bodies. It’s like a tiny superhero that’s everywhere because it can move around easily. This superhero has two main powers. First, it helps us keep a regular schedule in our bodies, just like an internal clock, and can even help protect us from getting sick, like a shield against cancer. Second, it cleans up harmful things in our body, almost like a vacuum for bad stuff, which keeps our important parts safe from damage caused by things like strokes, radiation, or medicines. Our brain, specifically a part called the pineal gland, is like the factory that makes melatonin. It’s made from another chemical called serotonin, which comes from something we eat called L-tryptophan. When melatonin is released, it’s like a signal to our body that it’s time to rest. It helps us fall asleep, have good sleep patterns, and keep our internal clock working smoothly. So, melatonin doesn’t just promote sleep; it’s a super cool molecule that does a lot of different jobs in our bodies.[R]

Delta Sleep-Inducing Peptide (DSIP) is a naturally occurring neuropeptide that plays a crucial role in regulating sleep patterns and promoting restful, deep sleep. It is primarily produced in the hypothalamus and is thought to help the body enter the delta-wave sleep stage, which is essential for effective and restorative sleep. DSIP has been the subject of research for its potential in treating sleep disorders and improving sleep quality. While the exact mechanisms through which DSIP influences sleep are not fully understood, it is believed to interact with various neurotransmitters and receptors in the brain, ultimately contributing to better sleep.

what is Asleep Spray

Product Information:

Asleep Spray, a unique blend of DSIP and melatonin, offers a groundbreaking solution for sleep support. The spray form provides several advantages over traditional capsules. The combination of DSIP’s ability to regulate sleep patterns and enhance sleep quality, along with melatonin’s role in normalizing circadian rhythms, creates a synergistic approach to improving sleep. The fast-acting spray format ensures quick absorption, making it an ideal choice for those seeking a convenient and efficient way to enhance their sleep quality. Say goodbye to struggling with hard-to-swallow capsules and embrace the simplicity and effectiveness of Asleep Spray.

Incorporating Asleep Spray into your nighttime routine can be a game-changer. DSIP’s potential to increase total sleep time and efficiency, reduce sleep latency, and even improve daytime performance for those with narcolepsy, coupled with melatonin’s well-established role in regulating sleep, makes this spray a dynamic duo in the world of sleep support. The research-backed benefits of DSIP and melatonin in a convenient, easy-to-administer spray form make it an invaluable addition to your sleep arsenal. Experience the power of a restful night’s sleep with Asleep Spray and wake up refreshed and ready to tackle the day.

How Does It Work?

Image source: https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/9811102#section=Structures 

Situated deep within the brain, the pineal gland is a small yet vital organ that synthesizes a number of indolamines that are essential for regulating the sleep-wake cycle. Such a compound is DSIP, a nonapeptide derived from tryptophan that is present in the pineal gland. The findings of investigations into the impact of DSIP on indolamine secretion are quite intriguing.  It induces the production and secretion of serotonin (5-HT), 5-methoxytryptophol (5-ML), and melatonin (MEL). Melatonin is specifically recognized for its function in the regulation of sleep patterns.

The impact of DSIP on melatonin secretion is not just a one-size-fits-all affair; it’s a dose-dependent process. In other words, the amount of DSIP matters, and its effectiveness varies within specific concentration ranges. Furthermore, having these two sleep-inducing powerhouses in a single spray is a game changer. It amplifies their combined effects, creating a synergistic blend that promotes deep and restful sleep. So, when you reach for that Asleep Spray with DSIP and Melatonin, you’re harnessing the power of a natural sleep conductor, harmonizing the chemical symphony in your brain and helping you achieve a restful night’s sleep. Sweet dreams![R]

Melatonin, another key component of Asleep Spray, its pineal synthesis is finely tuned by the suprachiasmatic nucleus, which is synchronized to the light-dark cycle via the retinohypothalamic tract, ensuring that melatonin production primarily occurs at night in the absence of light. This unique property transforms melatonin into an internal synchronizer, adapting an organism’s physiology to daily and seasonal demands.[R]

When melatonin is included in the Asleep Spray, its role as a time-giving agent complements the effects of DSIP, creating a harmonious blend that promotes deep and restful sleep. So, when you reach for that Asleep Spray with DSIP and Melatonin, you’re harnessing the power of a natural sleep conductor, harmonizing the chemical symphony in your brain and helping you achieve a restful night’s sleep.

Asleep Spray (DSIP + Melatonin) benefit

Asleep Spray (DSIP + Melatonin) – Benefits:

Asleep Spray (DSIP + Melatonin) has undergone extensive clinical research and clinical trials, exploring its potential health benefits, especially in the context of sleep. We’ve compiled some of the benefits below:

 1. Migraine attacks

Do you often find yourself battling tension headaches or migraine attacks? The answer to your pain might just be found in a tiny, yet powerful, hormone – melatonin. Melatonin, commonly known as the “sleep hormone,” does more than regulate your sleep-wake cycle. It may just be the secret weapon in sleep deprivation due to headaches.

Recent research has unveiled melatonin’s potential to prevent tension headaches, even in children. In a study, twenty-one individuals were administered 3 grams of melatonin before bedtime for three months. The results ??  14 out of 21 patients reported a 50% or more reduction in the intensity of their pain syndrome. But that’s not all; four of them experienced no pain attacks at all![R]

Melatonin’s role in preventing headaches lies in its ability for sleep regulation and acts as a powerful antioxidant. By ensuring a good night’s sleep and combating oxidative stress, melatonin can reduce the frequency and intensity of tension headaches.

So, if you’ve been in sleep research for a natural, drug-free solution to your headache woes, consider adding melatonin to your routine. It’s not only a sleep aid but also a potential headache savior. Harness the power of this tiny hormone, and say goodbye to those throbbing pains.

2. Relieves Climacteric Symptoms

Postmenopausal women, if sleep troubles have been keeping you up at night, melatonin might just be the answer you’ve been searching for. Scientific studies have revealed that melatonin supplements can work wonders when it comes to improving sleep quality. With better EEG patterns and overall sleep satisfaction, melatonin ensures you wake up feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.

But that’s not all; melatonin offers even more benefits. If you’ve been dealing with challenging climacteric symptoms like hot flashes and mood swings, melatonin can be a game-changer. At doses of 3 mg and above, it effectively alleviates these discomforts, making daily life during menopause more manageable and enjoyable.[R]

The best part? Melatonin comes with an outstanding safety profile. Research indicates a low risk of bias associated with melatonin administration. So, you can rest easy knowing that this natural sleep aid and wellness solution is a trustworthy choice for your postmenopausal journey. Consider melatonin as your ally in embracing the best version of yourself during this significant phase of life. Sweet dreams and a brighter, more comfortable tomorrow await!

3. Chronic Lower Back Pain

Chronic lower back pain, a relentless burden for many, may have met its match in melatonin. A groundbreaking study involving 178 patients aged 40 to 65, all enduring this debilitating condition, unveiled a promising solution. Dividing the participants into six groups, researchers explored the impact of melatonin in this context.

In the study, those who incorporated melatonin into their treatment experienced a remarkable outcome – a substantial reduction in pain and improved sleep quality. This suggests that melatonin isn’t solely a sleep aid but a potential game-changer for those dealing with chronic lower back pain. With its natural origins and minimal side effects, melatonin could be the key to a more comfortable and pain-free life for those struggling with this condition.[R]

4. Pain Relief and Reduced Pain with Fibromyalgia

 Fibromyalgia, with its complex web of clinical symptoms including chronic pain, fatigue, and sleep disturbances, has long confounded patients and medical experts alike. In a Russian study, 11 individuals with fibromyalgia were given 1.5 mg of melatonin for ten days, shedding light on a promising avenue for relief. Polysomnography initially revealed various sleep disorders, but after the treatment, patients reported sleeping better and easier. This was not only a subjective feeling but a documented reality in the polygraphic recordings.

What makes this study truly significant is the ripple effect of melatonin on fibromyalgia patients’ overall well-being. Beyond sleep improvement, patients experienced reduced pain, lower depression levels, and improved daytime functioning. These findings point to the potential of melatonin supplements as a multifaceted remedy, offering respite from the challenges of fibromyalgia, from sleep disruptions to pain and mood fluctuations. [R]

5. Jet Lag Relief

Jet lag, the groggy aftermath of long-haul flights, can cast a shadow over our travel adventures. Luckily, melatonin emerges as a natural hero in this scenario. Its effectiveness in addressing jet lag hinges on two key factors.

Firstly, melatonin helps regulate our sleep and alertness at precisely the right times. It guides our body to fall asleep when needed and stay awake when it’s crucial, effectively counteracting the weariness and drowsiness synonymous with jet lag.

Secondly, melatonin is instrumental in resetting our internal body clock to align with the new time zone. By harmonizing our circadian rhythm, it expedites our adaptation to local time, mitigating the disruptive consequences of jet lag. This age-old natural supplement has earned the trust of travelers seeking a smoother transition across time zones. [R]

6. Enhanced Sleep in Severe Insomnia 

Sleepless nights can disrupt our lives and leave us feeling drained. Delta Sleep-Inducing Peptide (DSIP) offers a potential solution. For those struggling with chronic insomnia, DSIP shows promise. In a study of chronic insomniac patients, DSIP treatment resulted in improved sleep efficiency and shorter sleep latency compared to a placebo. Additionally, subjects in the DSIP group reported reduced tiredness. DSIP’s potential to enhance sleep quality is evident. [R]

In a controlled study, DSIP injections increased sleep time by a remarkable 22.5% and improved sleep efficiency by 26.8%, reducing sleep latency and nighttime awakenings. This demonstrates DSIP’s ability to promote restful and rejuvenating sleep. [R]

In the most challenging cases of severe insomnia, DSIP’s impact shines through. Six out of seven patients with severe insomnia achieved normalized sleep after just 10 DSIP injections within two weeks. DSIP proves to be a beacon of hope for individuals dealing with various sleep disorders, offering a path to more restful nights and improved well-being.[R]

7. Increase In Deep Slow Wave Sleep

Unlocking the secrets of restful sleep is a quest many of us embark on, and Delta Sleep-Inducing Peptide (DSIP) may just be the answer we’ve been searching for. Three phase-1 studies conducted on healthy volunteer subjects revealed that DSIP treatment significantly enhanced sleep quality, with its effects lasting up to an impressive 20 hours post-injection. What’s more, DSIP was remarkably well-tolerated, causing no side effects, and offering a promising path to improved sleep for all.[R][R][R]

In the realm of preclinical studies, DSIP’s influence on sleep patterns becomes even more intriguing. This research demonstrated that DSIP leads to a significant increase in deep slow-wave sleep (S2), enhancing the quality of restorative sleep. Conversely, light slow wave sleep (S1) was significantly decreased, indicating a shift toward more restful slumber. Importantly, DSIP’s influence didn’t disrupt REM (rapid eye movement) and NREM (non-rapid eye movement) sleep cycles, suggesting a targeted and beneficial effect on sleep function.[R]

8. Schizophrenia and Major Depressive Disorder

Recent clinical investigations have highlighted the potential role of Delta Sleep-Inducing Peptide (DSIP) in two distinct but complex mental health conditions: schizophrenia and Major Depressive Disorder (MDD). [R]

In patients with schizophrenia, lower levels of DSIP were observed in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) when compared to healthy volunteers. This intriguing connection suggests that DSIP may play a role in the neurobiology of schizophrenia, paving the way for further research in this field. [R]

Additionally, a separate study revealed elevated DSIP levels in suicidal patients with MDD, while also establishing a significant correlation between DSIP and cortisol levels in healthy controls. These findings hint at the intricate relationship between DSIP, stress, and MDD, providing a foundation for future exploration of these mental health conditions. DSIP’s role in these conditions offers a promising avenue for understanding their underlying mechanisms and potential treatments.[R]

9. Narcolepsy

Narcolepsy’s unwelcome intrusion into daily life, characterized by sudden sleep episodes, can be disruptive and challenging. However, a ray of hope shines through a researcher’s investigation into the effects of Delta Sleep-Inducing Peptide (DSIP) on a male narcoleptic.

The study revealed that repeated injections of DSIP, whether administered in the evening or morning, led to significant improvements in the narcoleptic individual’s daily life. Notably, DSIP enhanced daytime activity, reduced the frequency of sleep attacks, and improved overall daytime performance. These findings offer a promising avenue for those living with narcolepsy, providing the potential for a more manageable and fulfilling life with the support of DSIP. [R]

Side Effects:

Asleep Spray, which typically contains DSIP (Delta Sleep-Inducing Peptide) and Melatonin, is marketed as a sleep aid product. Both DSIP and Melatonin are natural compounds that can help regulate sleep patterns and promote better sleep. However, like any substance, they may have side effects in some individuals. It’s important to note that individual responses can vary, and not everyone will experience these side effects.  DSIP + Melatonin may cause the following side effects

  • Drowsiness/Grogginess: DSIP and Melatonin are both known for their sleep-inducing properties. While this is the intended effect, it can sometimes lead to excessive drowsiness, especially if you take too much or if your body doesn’t respond well to these substances.
  • Headaches: Headaches can be a side effect for some individuals when using Melatonin, especially if they take a higher dosage than necessary.
  • Nausea: Nausea can occur in some individuals who take Melatonin, though it is relatively rare.
  • Reduced alertness: After taking Asleep Spray, you may experience reduced alertness the following day, especially if you don’t allow enough time for the effects to wear off before engaging in activities that require full wakefulness.
  • Mood changes: Some individuals may experience changes in mood or emotions when using Melatonin, although this is not common.

Is  Asleep Spray (DSIP + Melatonin) Legal?

The legality of products like an “Asleep Spray” containing DSIP (Delta Sleep-Inducing Peptide) and melatonin can vary from one jurisdiction to another. These substances are commonly used as sleep aids and are available over-the-counter in many places, but regulations regarding their sale and use can differ.

Melatonin, for example, is a hormone that is naturally produced by the pineal gland in the brain and is available as a dietary supplement in many countries, including the United States. Most melatonin supplements are generally considered safe for short-term use to help with sleep, although its regulation and availability may vary from place to place.

DSIP, on the other hand, is a peptide that has been studied for its potential role in promoting sleep. It may be available as a research chemical or supplement, but its legality and regulation can vary. DSIP is less commonly used and less well-known than melatonin.

Is  Asleep Spray (DSIP + Melatonin) legal?

Suggested Dose:

The dosage of a combination spray containing DSIP (Delta Sleep-Inducing Peptide) and Melatonin can vary depending on the specific product and the recommendations provided by the manufacturer. These types of products are often sold as dietary supplements or sleep aids, and the dosages may differ from one brand to another.

In general, for melatonin, a common dosage for sleep support typically ranges from 0.5 mg to 10 mg, depending on individual needs and tolerance. DSIP dosages may vary widely, and it’s important to consult with a healthcare provider to determine the appropriate dose if you’re considering using it.

For DSIP (Delta Sleep-Inducing Peptide) usage, a commonly recommended subcutaneous dosage is 100 mcg, administered at night, approximately 3 hours before bedtime. This can be done on a daily, every 3 days, or weekly basis. Another suggestion is to inject 150 mcg subcutaneously 1 hour before bedtime, three times a week, to potentially increase deep sleep by 30-40%. While subcutaneous injection is often considered the most effective method, some individuals propose higher doses. Caution is advised to prevent potential overuse.

It’s important to note that these doses are specifically intended for subcutaneous administration. For daily use via a spray, lower doses are usually more appropriate. In this context, starting with a 50 mcg lower dose is a reasonable choice.

Where to buy  Asleep Spray (DSIP + Melatonin) Online

To buy Asleep Spray (DSIP + Melatonin) nasal spray, PureRawz emerges as the ideal destination. As a leading supplier of research chemicals, both online stores consistently offer reference materials alongside each product or research chemical in their inventory.

Where to buy  Asleep Spray (DSIP + Melatonin) Online


Asleep Spray is a powerful combination of DSIP and Melatonin and offers a groundbreaking solution to sleep-related challenges. The blend of DSIP’s ability to regulate sleep patterns and enhance sleep quality, along with Melatonin’s role in normalizing circadian rhythms, creates a synergistic approach to improving sleep. The fast-acting spray format ensures quick absorption, making it an ideal choice for those seeking a convenient and efficient way to enhance their sleep quality. So, why continue to struggle with sleepless nights when you can embrace the simplicity and effectiveness of Asleep Spray? It’s time to bid farewell to sleepless nights and wake up refreshed and ready to tackle the day with this dynamic duo.

The magic of Asleep Spray doesn’t stop there. With its potential to alleviate tension headaches, relieve climacteric symptoms in postmenopausal women, address chronic lower back pain, and even provide relief for fibromyalgia, jet lag, and severe insomnia, this unique blend of DSIP and Melatonin proves to be a versatile solution for a variety of sleep-related and health challenges. Moreover, its role in enhancing deep slow-wave sleep and potential applications in conditions like schizophrenia, major depressive disorder, and narcolepsy make it a well-rounded option for those looking to improve their overall well-being. With Asleep Spray, you’re harnessing the power of natural sleep conductors, ushering in sweet dreams and a brighter, more comfortable tomorrow. So, why wait? Experience the transformative benefits of Asleep Spray and rediscover the joy of restful, revitalizing sleep.


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